Thursday, February 24, 2022

Cold Mercy

A crimson trail followed in his wake, the fresh snowfall stained with his rapidly dwindling life. Pieces of armor fell away bit by bit as his pained staggering jostled the tattered parts loose. He didn’t notice. It didn’t matter. The wound was fatal. If the enemy had sent out any forces to finish off survivors, no amount of armor was going to save him. If he was lucky, he might land one more hit on an attacker before they finished him. The sword was broken, the jagged metal shard on the handle barely larger than a pocket knife, but maybe he could jab an arrogant soldier in the neck right before his own head was lopped off.
Assuming said attacker actually came up to strike, and didn’t just shoot him with an arrow. Assuming they even bothered sending their men, and didn’t let that wizard’s loathsome creatures go hunting for them. Could he do more than give a papercut to those winged demons? Would he even chip a scale on those spined leviathans? Would those shaggy behemoths even notice he was there before they stepped on him?
He let out a choked laugh, tasting blood on his tongue. What had even been the point? The world was different now. Humans had no place on a battlefield where the monsters of legend were unleashed with a wave of a sorcerer’s hand. A man with a sword and a bow was a gnat on the battlefield. As this fight had proven, even those with enchanted weapons and armor had little chance in direct combat with a dragon or a demon or the endless variations of chimera.
The alternative, if one really wished to stand a chance, was to let the Alchemeters work their magic directly on your body. But he had seen the results, and that was no way to live. Nor even, in his humble opinion, a proper way to die.

Friday, February 18, 2022

The Omnymphotents, Book Three: Cosmic Affairs


Ladies and/or Gentlemen, I present to you my meatiest collection yet! Book Three of The Omnymphotents is a massive, throbbing Omnybus edition, collecting the final two "arcs" of the Omnymphotents Saga! You can purchase the book here on Smashwords:

As before, all the stories can still be found on the Omny blog, including the original forms of the comic segments, which I had to convert to script format for the eBook. Nonetheless, I always appreciate your support. I know the Omnymphotents has been a weird tangent compared to my usual work, but in the last year, it's really been the project that got me back to creating things again.

Although this is intended to bring the "core" series of the Omnys to a close, that just means I don't have further plans to do more stories following this side of the setting. I'm not done working in the Omnyverse, and there are several spin-off directions I can follow, be they more down to Earth adventures with the Empowered and Created, or a return to more erotically focused stand-alones featuring the Omnys in their Sex Goddess roles. I can't say for now what the future holds, but the door is still open.

From here, I may bundle up a couple more collections with the existing material as side-books, when I can get around to it.