Sunday, October 9, 2022

Bench Tales Intro

Author's Note: I recently had an idea to do another "mosaic" style anthology ebook, focusing on various shenanigans revolving around the concept of the Bench, the wicked public punishment facility for wayward men. Despite feeling like I've already done as much with the Bench concept as I was likely going to, I outlined a whole fifteen chapter sequence, and started working on the sections here and there. I got partway through and fell off, and to be honest, I find I don't really want to work on it. I could always come back to it another time, but I'm really not feeling it with this one right now.

Nonetheless, you know I hate wasted effort, and I thought I'd go ahead and post the first couple of chapters. The first chapter is a prose version of the comic of the same name, the second picks up right after it.
