Sunday, June 20, 2021

A Date With A Sex Mage!

 Well, I finally got around to making a Visual Novel!

This is a short little VN made largely to learn the basics of the Visual Novel Maker system. It should be a quick read with only a handful of choices, but for those who like my Little Scene type stories, this will probably hit the spot!

You can download it at a Pick Your Price rate for Windows or Mac on my page:

Bare in mind, I'm once again using default Maker program assets, but hey, at least there's music this time! Let me know what you think. I'm still on the fence about doing a full VN project someday, but this was fun to experiment with in the meantime!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Folder

Note: quasi-incest (mother/son)

When Clancy came home, his mother was sitting at the dining room table, slowly sipping some hot tea. Harriett watched her son bring in the armload of groceries and put them away with a studious look, taking slow, thoughtful sips as he methodically loaded the fridge and cabinet. He hadn’t noticed she was watching him, wrapped up in his thoughts as he was.
“Sorry it took so long, but the lines, y’know?” he muttered. “And there’s still a toilet paper shortage, so I was only able to get one 9-pack. Savages, I tell you.” He shook his head. “They were out of the 2%, so I got a jug of whole. I’m sorry, but I just can’t handle skim. Also, they were out of skim.”
“That’s fine,” said Harriett. “What about masks?”
He shook his head. “I got a packet. One. They said you can’t just use a bandanna anymore, but then they run out of normal masks. This whole virus thing is a real shit show. Lockdown was supposed to be two weeks to flatten the curve, and this is what, week six? I know people are dying, but Christ, at this point, more people are going to die from the economy tanking.”
“Your job still covering you?”
He nodded as he finished putting the last the food away. “Yeah, thankfully. Our company made billions last year, so they can afford it. I’m just surprised us grunts are getting covered. Maybe we’re not the worst place to work for after all.” He made a rueful chuckle, then joined his mother in the living room. He noticed the odd look she was giving him.
His brow furrowed. “Um… what’s up?”

Monday, June 7, 2021

Now on!

You can now purchase my little JRPGs on! This are under the Pick Your Price models, so you can pay whatever you want (default is set to $3), or you can just download them for free. You can also, of course, just download them from the google drive links on the individual posts, if you don't want to sign up for itch.

If you are that desperate to part from your money, click here:

Oh, and I've also tossed the Jahi's Invasion books on there, because why not?

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Metis Zone - A Sex Mage World Survival Horror JRPG

Bex and Jo are off to a year at the fabled Metis Academy! Bex’s excitement to learn the full ins and outs of Sex Magic is matched only by Jo’s dread at being used as a Test Boy by all the horny girls! It seems like it’s going to be another kinky fun time in the Sex Mage World…

…until suddenly, it isn’t. Minutes after they arrive, the world goes black, inhuman growls sound out from the darkness, and screams of pain are cut short by the sounds of ripping meat and boiling blood. Metis Academy has been subsumed by a Terror Zone, and Jo and Bex must now make a desperate run for survival.

METIS ZONE is a short JRPG made with RPG Maker MZ. I am providing the Windows version of the game, as well as a video Let’s Play for those who use different systems, or who would rather just read the dialogue. I will warn this is mostly equivalent to an alpha-build of the game concept: it’s perfectly playable, and the story is complete. But as with my previous RPG Maker project, I am using stock assets pre-packed with the Maker program, there is no music, the story is very short and to the point, I ended up not including some features I initially had planned, the battle system is somewhat lopsided, and my use of an enhanced lighting engine is inelegant at best. I hope you will still find it playable and enjoyable nonetheless.

 You can download the game in a .zip file and the video from this Google Drive folder:

And if you like it enough to send me a tip, consider purchasing on itch.io


I am aware this is a game no one asked for and no one wanted, and I’m not entirely sure why I felt so compelled to make it. Perhaps because over the years, despite my attempts at clean breaks, I have never quite been able to rid myself of the impulse to combine the Sex Mage World with the superhero and cosmic horror elements that inform the rest of my settings. It’s just in my nature to make grand connections between my worlds via lore, and the Dark God has come to haunt the entirety of my erotic Multiverse as an easy link in the background.

Ultimately, my flip-flopping on these concepts has lead to me never really doing them justice. I'm not sure this game does an adequate job of it either, but it's at least an attempt to finally portray a Terror Zone in an actual story, and not just lore notes or flash fic glimpses.

Don't worry, though. I made the Sex Mage Multiverse for a reason. The Sex Mage World seen in this game is not the one most stories take place in, and I don't plan to let cosmic horrors and crazy cultists infest the regular SMW stories again. This was just something I had to get off my chest, because I never gave the concept it's due when I had the chance before.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Tease of Angels (Incomplete)

This was a story I began seven or eight years ago, got stuck, worked on it bit by bit over the next few years, then ultimately put it away with the thought I'd come back to it again another time. Instead, I kind of forgot about it. Looking back over my old documents, I found it again. I have no interesting in continuing this anymore, but I liked what I got so far enough, so I may as well share it.

This story is much like Sacred Stars in that it was an anime-inspired genre fiction concept, in this case, the idea of a shonen-style secret magical battle tournament, that I tried to infuse with supernatural femdom elements. The most immediate and obvious parallel is Fate/Stay Night, although I've never actually read a Fate story.

The main problem with this story is, like a lot my old ideas for erotic adventure tales, I started off with an erotic concept (in this case a woman uses magic to sexually conquer her opponents during a magic anime fighting tournament) but the genre fiction elements pretty quickly overtook the story, in a way I wasn't as ready to tackle as I had originally thought. I ended up writing myself into something of a corner when it came to keeping the battles creative and interesting while still trying to maintain any kind of eroticism past the early parts; in true shonen fashion, the opponents continued to get wilder and more powerful, and almost right away, sex stops being a viable tactic directly in battle.

Looking back over it now, I still like what I wrote, but I think I can safely say I have no interest in coming back to finish it. Hopefully what's here will still interest you; if nothing else, the sex scene is classic Salamando-style Supernatural Femdom!