Friday, February 10, 2017

So You Want To Write A Sex Mage Story

Great! I am very flattered that my work has inspired you to write something similar. I started writing Sex Mage stories because no one else was writing anything quite like it, and part of me kind of hoped others might pick up the trend. While at this point, I do like that I am basically “the” Sex Mage guy, I don’t mind other people also exploring the concept in their own ways.

Ultimately, this being the internet. I can’t stop you from writing and posting whatever the hell you want, in whatever way you want, regardless of my consent. I do appreciate if you ask me first, but it isn’t necessary. Even if you don’t ask, I’d like it if you let me know when you’ve posted your work, so I can take a look at it myself. However, if you do decide to do a Sex Mage story, if you respect me and my work, there are a few things I would appreciate:

Credit Where Due
If you are directly copying the Sex Mage World and Sex Mages template and various directly related concepts, then please credit me for the concept. I would consider this to count even if you opted to combine my Sex Mage concept with a different setting. You’d essentially be doing fan fiction at that point, and naming your “source” would be proper etiquette in this instance. The Sex Mages and Sex Mage World as a concept and setting is something I’ve been working on and building up for years, it is my Intellectual Property and Brand (however amateur), and I’d say I’ve earned the right to be recognized for it as much as any author should be recognized for their specific stories in a given genre.

Likewise, if you are directly borrowing concepts from other Sex Mage style writers, such as PancakesForDinner (aka PFDee)’s Sex Powers Universe, please credit them as well, (or instead, if you’re fully deriving from them, and not from me). For example, the “Loops” and “Willy Wanker/Procedure 501” techniques are specifically part of Pancake’s Sex Powers set, not my Sex Magic set.

Otherwise, if I just inspired you to do your own magical femdom idea, and you’re using your own similar, but original power set, then I don't expect credit, even if the end result is fairly similar in style and tone (such as a world of Goddess Powers or Succubus Powers alla Gloryboy and MVGaius). If you wanted to mention me as an inspiration, that would be appreciated, but I won’t hold it against you if you don’t.

What I Am Okay With
You may use the Sex Mage/Sex Magic power set and a basic version of the Sex Mage World (all women have the Magic, there’s different power levels, using the magic tricks like Boyboarding, etc.). Feel free to make and explore your own Queendoms or how various pre-Queendom countries dealt with the magic. Feel free to even use Sex Magic in combination with some of your own ideas or settings.

I do encourage people to take the basic Sex Mage concept and run with their own spin on it, if only to keep our works distinct. I won’t ask/pressure you to, but unless you really want to replicate my setting as is, I’d say feel free to find your own unique spin on it. Pancake’s Sex Powers concept, for example, uses a different set of rules and limitations compared to my Sex Magic, while Grey Savidge’s Chastity Island world has Sex Magic confined specifically to the island nation of Castem. SexMageJenny posited a world where "Jenny" was the first Sex Mage, and all other mages gained their powers through her and her chosen followers. Even I have a second version of the SMW in the form of Dellissa’s World.

What I Am NOT Okay With
Please do not use any of my specific characters from any setting. Instead, please use your own original ones. If you absolutely must write a character of mine, at least change the name. Chances are, your interpretation of them will turn out differently anyway, so they may as well be your original.

Likewise, please do not use any of my other erotic settings. This includes, but is not limited to: Civero, Temael, Fount-Loche, the Centurions, Jahi’s Invasion, Dellissa’s World, the Fae Lord Realms, Magic Lina, Zama (Seven Stars), etc.

Within the Sex Mage World itself, I would also appreciate if people did not touch on the greater meta-lore that links the Sex Mage World to these other settings, including the appearance of Temaelean, Civeron, and Centurions characters on Earth. I’d also rather people not do stories involving the Cults, the Cult Wars, the Special Task Force, or the Dark Queendoms. (I actually highly doubt anyone is remotely interested in writing about these things, but just in case.)


  1. I was thinking that it would be cool to start a tumblr with a few own ideas based on the basic concepts, like the Orgasm Block spell, so this post is in the perfect timing for me. I'm still hesitating about it because my poor english (I'm spanish) but perhaps it would be a good practice method...

    1. Do you mean like a Captioned Image site or full stories? Either way, I'd say go for it.

    2. Captioned Images, it seems to be the easier way to start. I'll give it a try soon.

    3. Awesome. Been hoping more people would do Sex Mage Captions. And yeah, it would be a good beginning step.

  2. I was wondering a bit about Sex Mage Jenny. I tried to find her work but could only find a tumbler with one post. I'm sorry to ask on your page but when you mentioned her I was curious to see if you knew of any other material she wrote. Thank you

    1. I've talked with her a few times in chats and she has some cool ideas. The Dagny Queendom is partially based on her ideal Queendom as she described it. Unfortunately, she hasn't actually done any stories after that first entry on her tumblr. She's a busy girl, and I don't know if she'll ever get around to doing more.
