Thursday, April 25, 2019

Phallica #4

 We appeared on another rooftop on the other side of the city, in the middle of an older, run down business district. I could already hear the sounds of fighting in the distance. Screams of rage echoed between the buildings, and I saw flashes of fire coming from between some buildings almost a block away. Police were already cordoning off the area, the few pedestrians out this late fleeing the scene.

Ring Mage cast out his vision rings, one of them appearing in the sky over the battlefield. A small golden ring appeared over my left eye, and I jumped as I was suddenly given a view of the action.

He tapped his ear. “I’ll stay in touch,” he said. “You stay here. Do what you can to subdue our opponents, but don’t alert them to your presence.”

I nodded quickly. “Got it.” I tried to suppress my nervousness. I closed my right eye so I could focus entirely on the image the ring was showing me. I was getting a sky view of the battle, as if from a drone camera. The viewing ring was situated over a wide alleyway between two apartment buildings, one end blocked off by a tall brick wall in the back.

There were a dozen hulking men in torn clothes attempting to swarm two figures. Spittle flew from their mouths as they bellowed so loud I could hear them easily from my vantage point a block away. The dozen men were divided between their two targets. Most were just trying to punch or claw at them, but some were wielding twisted hunks of metal; it took me a second to recognize their weapons were parts ripped off a nearby car. One of the bruisers was swinging a car door in each hand by the upper part of the frame like two great kettle-weights, while another wielded a bent up bumper like a large bat.

Between a half-dozen of the men nearer the alleyway’s entrance, Zebra moved in a black and white blur, weaving and dodging around every attempted swing. Zebra struck at the men faster than they could block or dodge, but despite hitting hard enough to be cracking ribs and breaking their gnashing jaws, the furious men just kept coming at him. They were completely unhindered by their injuries.

Meanwhile, two other men were going after what I saw was the source of the fiery glow. A vaguely male figure wreathed in an oddly-shaped aura of fire was being backed into a corner. I realized after a moment that the flames surrounding him formed a bestial appearance; the fire surrounding his head were shaped in a lupine mask, while a long tongue of flame from just above his backside moved like a sort of tail. Likewise, as the flaming man slashed at his oncoming foes, the fire surrounding his hands extended into burning claws.

Strangest of all, however, was that four other flaming figures were attacking the remaining four berserkers. These fires took the shape of actual wolves, and moved as such. There was no creature beneath the flames; they were like spirits of pure fire in the shape of beasts. These fire-wolves were currently clawing and biting at the other men, whose skin cracked and smoked on contact. However, the fire-wolves, despite their appearance, were evidently solid enough creatures, and the berserkes continued to smash their bestial enemies into the ground, ignoring the pain of their burns. With every impact, gouts of flame erupted from the wolves, and they seemed to grow smaller.

The man wreathed in flames, whom I assumed had to be Cinder Wolf, was barely managing to dodge his opponents, who were equally unfazed by the burning claws. Cinder was being rapidly backed into a corner against the alley’s far wall.

Thankfully, Ring Mage and Shell broke into the fight. Shell slammed down into the assembled group around Zebra, outright crushing one of the hulking men beneath her spiny shell, and knocking three others to the ground. Zebra took advantage of this distraction to shatter the legs of the remaining two, with vicious kicks to their knees. Shell rolled to her feet, the one man still gored on her spines.

Meanwhile, a row of four bracelet-sized rings floated down amongst the men battling Cinder and his fire-wolves. It fired red beams of energy at the men, knocking them about in rapid succession. At the same time, two more rings, these as wide as basketballs, zipped into the battlefield, striking the men in the heads with skull-cracking force.

Impossibly, however, the brutal damage being done to the berserk men didn’t hinder them in the slightest beyond simply moving them about. Even the man speared on Shell’s spines was now thrashing, trying to push himself off her.

They were regenerating the damage. I saw the shattered jaws and joints of the men Zebra had attacked snapping back into place. Bruises faded as if they were simply dust being brushed away. The burns suffered by Cinder Wolf’s powers took only slightly longer to heal, the skin nearly melting back into shape. Even the gaping hole in the chest of the man pulling himself off Shell was filling in with surging muscle tissue.

“Holy shit,” I gasped. I didn’t think even Zebra healed that fast!

Speaking of which, Zebra was readying himself for another salvo as Shell reared up to make herself as big and threatening as possible. Despite being bigger than a grizzly bear, and much more horrifying looking, the berserkers were undaunted.

The same went for Cinder Wolf. His fire-wolves had been beaten down to puppy-size, and were snuffed out completely after that. Cinder himself tried to increase his fire aura to likewise look more imposing, but it did nothing to deter his assailants. His back hit the wall of the alley, and he would have gotten body-slammed through it, if Ring Mage hadn’t teleported him behind the charging men. As Cinder slashed his burning claws at the men’s backs, Ring Mage’s stun beam hammered them into the wall. This did little more than stall them for a few seconds.

“Hey,” I said, touching the ring on my ear. “Why don’t you teleport the men somewhere? Like, trap them in a building or something?”

“Alas, even if we can get them to stand still long enough for my teleport ring to take hold, they are too much of a danger to simply toss somewhere else,” he said in reply, his voice coming to my ear as if by radio.

I cursed. I wasn’t sure what I could possibly do. The men they were fighting seemed completely immune to pain and unshakeable by intimidation. Even now, six of them dog-piled onto Shell, punching her so hard they were breaking their hands. Shell was tough enough to take the hits for a little while, but with so many at once, all trying to go for her limbs and head, and even she was starting to feel it. The men were also strong enough that they were keeping her off balance, shoving her massive bulk this way and that between their punches, preventing her from getting enough leverage to launch a counter-attack.

Zebra was back to being swarmed, this time by four of the men. He was able to keep ahead of their blows, but once again, his own punches were proving ineffective. Ring Mage, meanwhile, could only shoot one of the men at a time with his stun beam, and so resorted to breaking up the blaster formation to use his available rings to try and smack about all the men he could reach.

I had to try something to help. My power keyed into the genitals of the twelve berserker men. I directed every pain I could think of into their privates. Hot pokers, electricity, barbwire down the urethra, stabbing needles, crushing presses. As I expected, the men were unhindered by such pains, despite the fact that I was lighting up their nerves directly. I could actually make the sensation of a smack to the balls feel a lot worse than an actual smack to the balls would. And yet, it didn’t matter. Whatever was enabling them to regenerate and ignore pain allowed them to shrug off whatever I made them feel.

As for their thoughts, their minds were completely blank to me. There was not a single sexual urge in them. From the look of things, it was like all their reasoning, all their intellect, every other instinct and emotion, was completely suppressed save for the drive to kill.

“I’m sorry,” I said, touching the earring. “I don’t think I can do anything. I’m psychically shredding their privates, and it’s like they don’t even feel it.”

“It’s the pain,” said Ring Mage. “The pain itself seems to fuel their power. We’ve fought others like this; this is the result of the tainted drugs. Mutagenic chemicals in the drugs react with endorphins released by the brain upon feeling pain. This job was either a trap, or these men broke into their own supply as a fallback plan of their own.”

“So how the hell do we stop them?”

Ring Mage’s tone was grim. “The drug only lasts for so long. Even though the pain we inflict empowers them, injury is the only way we can force the chemical to burn out of their system quickly. We have to beat them down until the drug stops working.”

“But you—you’ll kill them!”

“We don’t like it, Phallica, and we will try out best not to,” said Ring Mage. “But if we stop fighting them when they’re in this state, they will attack anyone else they see. We have to keep them contained and occupied. Just stay where you are and leave this to us.”

“Alright. Understood.” My voice was quiet, but I heard Ring Mage give a grunt of acknowledgement.

Good lord, no wonder they were freaked out about the drugs! If this was what the substance, then the whole city could be overrun by users turned into crazed monsters. Considering it hadn’t happened yet, I had to assume the tainted drugs were limited, and probably meant to only go to a select few individuals. There was likely no telling which sales contained the tainted good, however, which meant the team had been running themselves ragged trying to stop as many as they could.

I had to do something, but against monsters that were actually empowered by pain, how was I supposed to stop them? If anything, the phantom sensations I could give them would actually make them more powerful, juicing them up on the chemical’s boosting effects without them having to burn energy on recovery. The greater the pain I made them feel, the stronger they would get.

I blinked as a thought occurred to me. The drug apparently reacted with endorphins, the chemicals released by the brain to manage pain signals. But what about the brain’s other chemicals?

“Mage?” I said, touching the earring again. “I’d like to try something. Can you—”

A loud boom interrupted me, and a plume of fire rocketed out from between the buildings. The Ring Mage appeared next to me, his cape smoking. I hadn’t seen him on the battlefield, but he must have been just outside his vision ring’s view point. What I had seen was Cinder Wolf create another one of his fire-wolves, only for one of the berserk men to simply grab it, and hurl it up towards a roof. Ring Mage must have been his target.

“Shit!” cursed the Ring Mage, whipping off his cloak and stamping on the smoking parts. He’d barely managed to dodge getting consumed by the fireball. He glanced at me as he tried to put out the smoldering cloth. “You were saying?”

“Tell Zebra to focus entirely on dodging,” I said. “Keep the men’s attention on him, but do not injure them. Teleport Shell and Cinder here.”

Ring Mage cocked an eyebrow at me, questioning me with a look.

“Trust me!” I said. “If Zebra’s too exhausted, then have Shell curl up and defend herself, and leave her there while you bring Zebra here. It’s not ideal, but I just need someone to keep them busy without you guys attacking them.”

Ring Mage touched his ear and relayed the plan of action. He must have sent more earrings to the others, because Zebra responded over the earring link. “Okay, I think I can hold out.”

“Thanks, Zebra,” I responded. “I’d go with Shell, but I think the men will just keep injuring themselves on her, and I need them as pain-free as possible.”

Ring Mage nodded, already sussing out my idea. Shell and Cinder Wolf were teleported next to us. Cinder collapsed onto his knees, gasping, his fiery aura snuffing out and revealing a man in a crimson suit with golden shoulder pads, arms guards, and boots, and a wolf’s head emblem on his chest. His eyes were hidden behind a crimson visor.

I could only give him a brief glance, though. Aside from being out of breath, he seemed okay. I focused on the battlefield. All twelve men were now homing in on Zebra like guided missiles. Zebra was faster and more agile, however, able to dodge their blows and to leap from wall to wall and over their heads, keeping them rushing back and forth along the alley. The men were tripping over themselves trying to keep up. They were probably hurting themselves to some degree in their manic charging, but this seemed about as good as I was going to get it.

I focused on the twelve men’s cocks. This time, instead of the sensations of genital destruction, I fed the men arousal and pleasure. Quickly, their cocks grew erect in their pants, though I don’t think they even noticed. What they did notice, however, were the sensations of feminine hands taking hold of their cocks and stroking them with loving care. For a few seconds, nothing seemed to change. But then, a couple of the men faltered. Their attempts to grab Zebra were a bit more hesitant. Then a few of the men stumbled as I added the sensations of an enthusiastic blowjob to each one.

If endorphins from pain triggered the drug’s mutagen, maybe dopamine from pleasure could neutralize it, or at the very least, minimize production of the former.

I forced myself to remain calm and focused. I targeted each man individually, trying to suss out what sensations worked best for each one. I hadn’t really had much practice on multiple targets; I wasn’t the sort of person to just groped random, innocent guys on the street to test my powers. I had a lot more practice just sensing men; I knew that I could pick out several distinct cocks from a crowd with my senses. The drug bust and the museum heist had proved that I could indeed affect multiple cocks at once. However, at those times, I’d sent the same basic signals to all targets, and it had only been a handful of men.

This was over twice the number I’d affected previously, and I was trying to customize sensations for each one to maximize the pleasure each felt. I could feel myself rapidly becoming frazzled as I tried to juggle so many actions to match the flow of information. My control was starting to slip from some of the men as I focused on the others.

Rallying myself mentally, I found it easier to keep a general sensation of hands and mouths on them all, and tailor more specific sensations to a couple at a time. Some of the men responded faster than the others, and I switched to the next man as soon as one of them was fully engaged. One by one, or two by two, I sent the sensations of feathers, pussies, extra mouths, even feet, to tease and please each of their cocks in the way each loved the most. Once a sensation was active, it was easier to sort of set it in place and keep it going with a minimal effort. However, with each new sensation I had to consciously keep going, it became more of a strain.

Still, I managed it. I soon had all twelve going at once. Within just a couple minutes, the hulking young men were driven to total distraction. Instead of being laser-focused on trying to kill Zebra, they were now shaking and gasping in place as they felt the irresistible sensations of sex. Several of them dropped to their hands and knees, some fell onto their backs, and all started thrusting their hips forward, trying to fuck the imaginary women I was making them feel.

Zebra stopped dodging and jumped up onto the fire escape, watching the men fall helplessly to the ground in ecstasy. I couldn’t see his expression, but I could sense his thoughts. The sudden shift of the men from berserk opponents to humping horn dogs was a little disturbing, but seeing their plight reminded him of when I’d psychically pinned his balls to my balcony chair. He then also remembered his bet with Shell, and tried valiantly to banish the thought of a threesome from his mind before I caught it. Too late.

I couldn’t let my self get distracted by any one else, though. I narrowed my attention wholly to the twelve men. I kept playing with their cocks, building their pleasure higher and higher, until each boy was moaning loudly, bucking their hips in time to my psychic strokes. Tears spilled from some of their eyes as they felt sensations they’d never experienced before. There minds were still fuzzy, but I could get glimpses of their sexual desires and memories. Some of the men were still virgins, and I was deflowering them with my mind.

It was mostly a coincidence that they all came within the same minute, but it made for a quick wrap up. As they started pumping cum into their tattered pants, their bodies began to shift. Their muscles started to, for lack of a better term, deflate. Their bones shrank, their skin softened, the tattered remains of their clothes sagged on their bodies, until they were reduced to the normal, skinny-looking street punks they had been before they snorted the tainted cocaine.

I continued to stimulate them, but reduced the sensations to a single method per man. A loving blowjob here, a delicate handjob there, tickling feathers on one, a firm foot job on another. The boys continued to be in bliss, their cocks still hard, as I gently milked them each to a second orgasm. They were completely out of it, exhausted from the drug’s toll on their body, blissed out from the phantom pleasure I was giving them.

Ring Mage teleported Zebra over to us. By now, Shell had returned to her human form, and Cinder had caught his breath.

Zebra took off his helmet and gave me an incredulous look. “Good lord. You actually did it.”

“Sometimes the gentle approach works.” I gave him a small smile, but I kept my attention focused on the men through my senses and the view I saw through the ring.

“What is she doing?” said Cinder. I noticed he had a bit of an accent, indicating he was from the continent.

“Pleasuring them. Ring Mage said the drug reacted with endorphins. I thought that maybe flooding their brains with dopamine might counteract it.” I shrugged. “I couldn’t think of anything else.”

“Well, you’re just the woman of the hour tonight,” said Shell with a laugh. She turned to the others. “You know, if it weren’t for her, we’d probably still be mopping up that museum hit.”

Zebra gave me a look that was somehow equal parts impressed and wary. “No kidding?” He glanced back towards where the men were and frowned. “Well, I’m glad it’s working out this time, but if I’m being completely honest, I’m not sure how I feel about using molestation to win they day.”

“Would you rather just kill them?” I asked, more abrasively than I intended. I was starting to feel pretty frazzled keeping up my power.

He winced. “Of course not.”

I frowned, noticing his reaction. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

He sighed and waved me off. “Fine. Maybe it’s hypocritical to think so considering we usually beat the hell out of people.”

“I wouldn’t say it’s hypocritical, exactly,” said Ring Mage. “There’s a rather stark difference between getting punched and getting sexually assaulted.”

I let out a sigh. “Look, I work with what I have, okay? Trust me, if I could swap these powers out for, like, telekinesis or flying or fire breath, I would.”

“Hey, man, I’d rather be felled by a psychic blowjob than a punch to the face.” Cinder Wolf was grinning at me. I could feel his eyes roaming over me, and felt the stirrings in his cock. He’d been expecting more of a supermodel type after his teammates had told him about me, but while I definitely wasn’t in that league, he didn’t seem too disappointed with the reality. I could see he’d been fantasizing about me, or at least his idea of me, ever since the others told him about my abilities.

I gave him a knowing smirk, and his grin just widened. “You must be Cinder Wolf.” I extended my hand. “Pleased to meet you.”

“And you must be Phallica,” he said, giving me a hearty handshake. “The pleasure is all mine.”

I grinned back. “We’ll see about that.”

“Oh, lord,” said Shell. “Cinder, be careful with her. She can make you jizz yourself with a thought.”

He laughed. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

I chuckled. “Alright, don’t distract me anymore right now, please.”

“Sure. I’ll just admire the view.” He winked. Good grief. Even without my powers, this guy just exuded horniness. I wasn’t sure yet if he was really like that, or if he was just doing a bit for my sake.

I refocused my attention on the gang members. I kept the boys writhing in psychic sex for another ten minutes, making them cum repeatedly until they were barely conscious. Ring Mage figured that should be enough; the drug was powerful, but fast acting. Going by previous fights, they would have already burned through most of it by now, and hopefully the dopamine overload had disrupted the chemicals enough.

Ring Mage signaled for the cops that had cordoned off the area to move in as I let the boys fall asleep. Not a moment too soon, too. I felt pretty mentally fried and unfocused. I touched the side of my head and reached out a hand as a wave of dizziness hit me. Zebra caught me as I stumbled forward.

“You alright?” said Ring Mage, recalling all his rings to himself. They appeared on his forearms as two sets of five bracelets, almost forming a pair of arm guards.

“Y-yeah,” I said, catching my breath. “Just… need a minute…”

Cinder gave me a concerned look; despite the temptation to continue hitting on me, he was enough of a gentleman to make sure I was okay first. “Maybe we should return to base. Give her some rest.”

Ring Mage nodded. “Yes, I think we’re done for the night. I’ll stay to make sure those men are secured, but I’ll send you on ahead.” With that, he teleported us all to their group’s hide out.


It turned out their “home base” was just an old house on a cliff, overlooking the ocean. It was about fifteen miles from the nearest town, and nearly fifty from the city where I lived. I was surprised they were based so far away from the city they’d been fighting in, but then again, I supposed with the Ring Mage’s help, they were able to cover the whole of the island pretty effectively.

Zebra led me to a large wooden table in their dining room, then brewed and handed me a cup of tea, while Cinder and Shell changed out of their outfits and showered. When they came back, Zebra went and did the same.

For a little while, they let me sit in silence, going into the living room and watching some TV. I closed my eyes and let my mind compose itself. I gradually felt less frazzled as I tried to just let my thoughts drift, let the tea warm me. I felt tired in a way I hadn’t before. I was already a bit sleepy from being up so late, though my body felt a bit jittery. After such extensive use of my powers, I still felt a mental haze I didn’t think was going to clear up until I got some sleep.

It was dawning on me just how dangerous the situations I had just been in were. At the time, I’d been able to go with the flow, but I found myself thinking about what might have happened if we hadn’t been so lucky. If my power hadn’t been the perfect counter to the berserkers. If that woman, Thorja, had been quicker on the ball and unleashed her power before we could get the drop on her.

I tried not to let it freak me out, but I couldn’t fully suppress the feeling of delayed dread. I decided it would be best to not let my thoughts wonder too much after all. I finished my tea and went to join them in the living room. Cinder and Shell were on the couch, while Zebra was on a rocking chair.

“Hey, chica,” said Cinder Wolf with a grin. “Feeling alright?”

I nodded. “A little worn out, still, I guess. Um… is Ring Mage going to be back soon, or…?”

Right on time, he suddenly appeared in the room, his teleport ring flashing in a dramatic whirl. “The cops gave those men a sedative to keep them under until we’re sure the drugs are out of their system. But they were already pretty docile.”

“Took your time getting back,” said Cinder.

Ring Mage let out a sigh as he pulled off his turban, revealing short-cut black hair. “I had to speak with the police chief. Our activities are getting too big for them to look the other way. We may have to talk about signing an agreement.”

Cinder scoffed and shook his head. “Goddamned Protectors. Ever since they got on the government’s leash, they’re expecting all of us to sign up for the draft.”

“It wouldn’t be a bad idea,” said Zebra. “When I first got started, the cops were gunning for me as much as the gangers I was fighting. Trust me, we don’t want to be fighting both sides of the law.”

“Um…” I cut in.

Ring Mage glanced at me. “Right, sorry. You probably want to head home. I can send you there, and get your car there, too, so you don’t have to drive it the whole way.”

“You’re also welcome to crash here for the night,” said Shell.

I shook my head. “I’d really rather just go home, if that’s okay with you. Thanks, though.”

“Shame,” said Cinder, giving me a knowing smile. “No congratulatory pajama party for you.”

I could see his idea of a “pajama party” and gave him a knowing smirk. “Maybe next time.” I started to turn to Ring Mage, then paused and faced Shell. “By the way,” I said, and motioned to Zebra. “He owes you twenty bucks.”

Zebra jumped a bit and blushed. Shell burst out laughing. Cinder and Ring Mage looked confused, but none of us bothered to explain.

Shell forced herself to calm down, but her shoulders still shook as she tried to catch her breath. “Ah, keep the money, the look on your face is enough!”

Zebra sighed with annoyance and scowled at me. “Alright, very funny. But from now on, whatever you sense from any of us, you keep it to yourself.”

Cinder cracked a grin, figuring out some kind of bet was made in regards to my sexual senses. Ring Mage rolled his eyes and likewise sighed in annoyance, coming to the same conclusion as Cinder. I couldn’t help but smile a bit just from Shell’s laughter, but I could tell Zebra wasn’t nearly as amused.

“Alright, sorry,” I said, holding up a placating hand. “I won’t make a habit of it.”

“I will hold you to that,” he said. His features softened, but he still looked at me warily.

Ring Mage put a hand on my shoulder. “Let’s be off, then.” With that, he teleported us away.


A few days later, I made my decision. They had been right; now that I’d participated in a few of these battles already, I couldn’t imagine quitting now. But it would be suicide to continue trying to work solo. I was lucky when it came to taking down the berserk drug dealers, I had to acknowledge that. I’d been instrumental in helping shut down the museum heist quickly, but I’d have been screwed without their help. And of course, I’d have been killed by Broad if their team hadn’t come to rescue me.

And so, I found myself back at their base, sitting at the large wooden table that dominated their base’s dining room. Eight people could sit comfortably around it, and the four of them sat together on one side, with me on the other. They were all in their costumes, minus any head gear. Shell stood out starkly among the group; her “costume” really was just a yoga outfit; it wasn’t even green to indicate her turtle form. The three men, meanwhile, had gone out of their way to make elaborate costumes for themselves.

I sat up straight as I faced them. I felt like I was about to be interviewed for a job. I guess in a way, I was.

“Alright,” said Zebra. “First thing’s first. If you’re going to be on this team, we need to get you some actual combat training. And something better than a catsuit to wear.”

Cinder nodded. “Not that the look isn’t appealing, but while you’re probably going to be hanging back from the battlefield like Ring Mage, you may still find yourself having to engage the enemy directly. We can get you something more armored.”

He tapped his own suit. During the heat of the last battle, with his form covered in fire and my attention full with the berserkers, I hadn’t really gotten a good look at it. Seeing him now, I noticed his costume had strategically placed plates and padding, similar to Zebra’s outfit. The overall look was closer to a gaudily colored SWAT or Riot Gear suit.

“These outfits can stop small-arms fire, are flame and electricity resistant, and stab-proof while still allowing full freedom of movement,” he continued. “We know a guy; he can probably outfit you with one by the end of the week.” It was nice to know that for all his pervy thoughts, Cinder could still be serious over serious matters.

I looked to the other two. Shell obviously didn’t bother with an armor suit because of the nature of her powers. However, I noted Ring Mage’s white sorcerer outfit. “Any reason you don’t wear armor yourself?”

He gave a small smile and pulled aside part of his top, revealing a bullet-proof vest. He picked up his turban from where it sat on a shelf behind him, and he rapped it against the table; the headgear made a solid knock on the wood, and didn’t bend its overall form, indicating there was some kind of protective plate under the cloth. “My rings can create a force field, and as noted, I tend to hang back on the edges of the battle, so I can afford to be a bit more theatrical. But even I take some precautions.”

“Fair,” I said. “I definitely don’t want to get shot.”

“Other than that, you’ll be entitled to a cut of any finances we acquire,” said Zebra. “You also can pick a room in this house to be yours in case you need or want to stay over. And we will give you a com-link cell. It’s a phone designed only to contact other members of the team or emergency services, and requires a scan of your retina, thumbprint, or voice print to unlock. It’s the best way to stay in touch without risk of compromising our information.”

“Okay, um, I mean, I’m in college right now and I have a job so, I might not actually be available that often,” I said. “I mean, not that I’m not committed, obviously, but…”

Ring Mage gave a small shake of his head. “Don’t worry, we’re not expecting you to give up your life for this. I have a job, myself.”

“Same,” said Cinder. “Well, I freelance, so I have a lot of flexibility.”

I looked to Shell and Zebra. Zebra cleared his throat, looking a bit awkward. “I’ve kind of thrown myself into this. I have a little bit of money from investments, but otherwise, there’s a reason we keep the money from the busts.”

“I’m between jobs,” said Shell, looking a little embarrassed.

“We can figure out scheduling,” said Ring Mage. “As it stands, from the nature of your abilities, we are thinking of making you more of a scout. You would help us track our opponents, and in certain cases, your powers may be useful for gaining information.”

I nodded. “Yeah, that makes sense.” My biggest asset really was my sensing power. Ball-kicking mooks into submission was useful, but as the previous events had proven, it was not a reliable fight-ender by any means.

“Weird-ass power, by the way,” said Cinder Wolf, smirking a bit. With his red visor off, I noticed his eyes were an unnatural shade brilliant orange. He winked. “Not that I’m complaining.”

I smirked back. “Yeah, I can see you’ve been giving it a lot of thought the past few days.”

He flexed the fingers of his left hand, which I knew was his preferred one. “I’d say you have no idea, but I know better.”

I chuckled. “You are one eager boy.”

He shrugged. “More like I know you can read my thoughts, so there’s no point beating around the bush.”

Zebra sighed. “For fuck’s sake, Cinder, this is not about you getting laid.”

He laughed again, putting his hands up. “I’m sorry, it’s just, even by Paramour standards, it’s pretty unusual power set.” He looked to me again. “No offense, I’m really not trying to rag on you or disrespect you or anything.”

I shook my head. “Hey, man, you’re preaching to the choir. But now I gotta ask, you mentioned Paramours before. What kind of abilities do they usually have? I mean, I know they’re sex-focused.”

“Varies a lot, actually, which is why most Paramours can pass off as other types until the sex part of the power shows itself,” said Shell. “But their abilities are usually more broadly applied, effecting men and women both. There’s often something relating to arousal or sending people into sexual trances, things like that. That or they may have other types of powers, but require sex to charge them up. You’ve probably heard of Feel Girl, right?”

I nodded. “Nude hypnotist or something, yeah? You become entranced if you see her naked body in real time?” Most people knew about her, ever since her attempt a few months ago to hypnotize most of the country with a live television broadcast of her naked body. It only didn’t work because the feed was delayed just enough to be outside the parameters of her power’s requirements or something. “She was a Paramour?”

“Yes,” Shell said. “One of the first, as far as we can tell. But there were a few others discovered to have come before her, and there’s been others since.”

“And this brings us to another concern we have,” said Zebra. “Most Paramours are villainesses.”

I blinked. I wasn’t even aware there was a superhuman category of Paramour until a few days ago, and now I was finding out it had some rather negative connotations.

Ring Mage nodded. “If we may be frank with you, Phallica, another reason we would prefer you to focus on scouting is that the nature of your powers are rather dubious. We’re already an outlaw team as it is. Having a member whose power is to sexually assault men with a thought, that’s already going into dubious territory. The fact that most other women with abilities in your purview are criminals, well, it’s not going to lend the authorities much confidence in us.”

I frowned at this. I had to be honest, even though I knew my powers were ridiculous, the true extent of the drawback, the negative social connotations, had never really occurred to me. “I see.”

Zebra leaned forward with a stern expression. “Look, we’re not out to look pretty for the cameras or win the key to the city. But vigilantes like us operate on a razor thin line. We do not kill unless it is absolutely unavoidable. If we bust thieves, we return what’s stolen. We don’t take evidence or mess with crime scenes. We can scare the living shit out of criminals, but we cannot just brutalize them for information.”

“I get it,” I said. “You have to play it safe, or the cops will bring down the hammer on you.”

“Not the cops,” said Ring Mage. “When groups like ours step out of line? They call in the Protectors. That’s why we are going to make an official arrangement with the police chief, to see about getting some level of clearance for our activities.”

“And you think having someone with sex powers on your team may jeopardize that.” I frowned and leaned back in my chair, looking down at the table for a moment. When I looked back up, I gave them a genuinely curious look. “Then, well, why bother bringing me on at all?”

They all traded a glance. “Because I can see the fire in you,” said Zebra. “I know you want to do the right thing. And your powers can be used to help, under the right circumstances, and with the right partners.”

“And maybe you can prove not all Paramours are bad,” added Cinder, sincerely.

“I suppose so,” I said. “Alright. I understand. Thank you for this.”

“Welcome aboard, Phallica,” said Ring Mage, giving me a small smile. I shook hands with all of them.

“Well, you can pick out a room,” said Ring Mage. “Give us your measurements, we should have a new combat suit ready for you by the end of the week. Any particular design you’d like?”

“I’ll just stick with an all-black number, if that’s alright,” I said. “Probably a full-cover helmet, just to be safe. If I tried to go with something reflecting my powers, well…” I motioned to myself. “I dunno, I don’t really want to run around dressed like a hooker, or have a giant penis logo on my chest or something.”

Cinder and Shell laughed at the thought, Zebra rolled his eyes, and Ring Mage just nodded sagely, rubbing his chin. “Yes, I imagine that would be rather ineffective.”

“The sooner we start your combat training the better,” said Zebra. “I’m free for most of the day. I can teach you some basic defense moves to start.”

“That would be great,” I said.

He nodded. “We usually train outside, so we don’t wreck the place with our powers. Meet me in the back yard in thirty minutes.” So saying, he left the room; the rest of the group decided to follow suit, Shell and Ring Mage heading out opposite doors.

Only Cinder remained, and he gave me that knowing smirk. “Guess I can show you where the bedrooms are. And, just putting it out there, I can help you break your room in whenever you like.”

I smirked back once again, putting a hand on my hip. “Even girls who can read minds prefer a slightly more subtle approach.”

He laughed. “And here I thought mind reading would let me cut through all the bullshit.”

I chuckled along with him, but then gave him a serious look. “You’re not really that into me, are you?”

He grinned. “You tell me.”

I went ahead and looked deeper into his mind. Goodness, he had masturbated to some intense orgasms while fantasizing about me lately. But I could tell his interest was mostly in just the novelty of a girl being able to give him psychic blowjobs. He did find me attractive, but he didn’t know me enough to decide if he actually liked me; he was self-aware and mature enough to not let lust cloud his judgment of such things.

I took a step up to him, looking into his fiery eyes. He was pretty goddamned handsome, I had to admit. He also didn’t blush or act nervous as I got close to him; he was confident in himself in this particular situation. He really liked the idea of fooling around with me, but he wasn’t desperate about it. He knew that I knew his desires, and either I’d be interested or I wouldn’t. He’d roll with whatever choice I made.

“Okay, I’m interested,” I said. “But apparently, I have to let Zebra teach me how to get beat up first.”

He shook his head. “Man’s a beast. You’ll probably be wiped out afterwards. So, maybe another day.”

I gave him a once over and tapped my chin in thought. “Actually, this could be another interesting exercise.”

He gave me a curious look. “What do you mean?”

I smiled. “Seeing how well I can work my powers while trying to concentrate on something else.”

He grinned. “Oh, really?”

“Yes, really.” I paused. “With your permission, of course.”

His eyes widened when he realized I was actually going to do what I was implying. “Huh. Wow, okay.” His grin widened. “Maybe take it a little easier on me than the crooks, huh?”

I chuckled, and with a thought, I sent the sensations of a hand wrapping around his cock. Even knowing it was coming, he still twitched a bit. I didn’t have to make any outward indication when I was using my power, so it still took him a bit by surprise when I started.

“Wow, I can actually feel a hand,” he said. I made the phantom hand stroke him and his cock began to swell. He was already getting turned on thinking about what I could do to him, so he went erect quite quickly. He squirmed a bit as his pants became rather tight, and he moved to adjust himself.

“Wait,” I said. “Don’t touch yourself. Just go to your room and get naked.”

“Okay,” he said, rushing off and stripping down quickly once he reached his bedroom.

I went upstairs and found where the bedrooms were, a hallway with several on either side. Coincidentally, the room next to Cinder’s was free. I decided it would be suitable. I used the room to change into my current costume, then went outside to join Zebra, all the while continuing my psychic handjob on Cinder.

Zebra had changed into some gym clothes. He noted my outfit, and couldn’t help but glance over my curves. He glanced away and half-scowled. “It’s okay if you look,” I said. “You’re a guy, I’m not going to get upset if you notice what guys notice. Just don’t, you know, gawk at me like a lech for minutes on end.”

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment. “This is going to take some getting used to.”

I shook my head. “I’m not going to judge. And I won’t blab about your thoughts, I promise. Just act like I can’t read your mind.”

“Alright,” he said. “Fine. Let’s focus on the lesson.” Once he stopped worrying about what I could see, it actually became a lot easier for him to not keep thinking those kinds of thoughts around me.

“You got it,” I said. As Zebra started explaining some of the moves and demonstrating, I added the sensation of a blowjob to Cinder’s cock.

The fire-wolf summoner was gripping the edges of his bed and softly moaning. His cock was jumping in the air as I made him feel pleasures he hadn’t gotten to experience for quite a while now; he wasn’t a virgin by any means, but the vigilante life had cut deeply into his social life. This was the first sex of any kind he’d had in months; no wonder he was so eager.

My powers were everything he fantasized about. I tried to pace the sensations, but he was so riled up, he came in just under two minutes. I released him from my power for another minute, letting him catch his breath and wipe up his mess with a discarded shirt. But just as he was about to get out of bed, I returned my hand to him. That was too soon a shot, but now that the initial burst was out of the way, I could take my time and build him up nice and slow. Cinder lay back and let himself enjoy it.

Zebra paused as he noticed I seemed a bit distracted. “Are you listening? You should really take this stuff seriously.”

I nodded, furrowing my brow a bit as I tried to divide my focus. “I am, I am, it’s just, um…”


“Well, the thing is, I figured if I’m practicing fighting, I may as well practice doing it while also using my powers.”

Zebra paused, narrowing his eyes at me as he tried to figure out what I meant. I wasn’t using my powers on him, obviously.

“Um… Cinder’s helping me multitask…” I said.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Okay, I think we should focus on at least getting the basics down before you start with that kind of practice.”

I frowned. “I guess so—” I was cut off as I suddenly found myself flat on my back on the ground, Zebra’s fist an inch from my nose. I didn’t even realize the wind had been knocked out of me until I tried to gasp and only managed a small cough.

My power over Cinder ceased as I struggled to get my breathing under control. Zebra pulled me to my feet and steadied me as I gasped. “Bang. You’re dead, because you decided to cast a handjob spell instead of throw a punch or duck for cover.”

I glared at him. “Yeah… okay…” I said. “Point taken… Mr. Super-Speed…”

“That wasn’t any faster than your average person,” he said. “Now, you can jerk off Cinder with your mind later. For now, you focus on learning how to block a punch.”

I nodded. In his room, Cinder was a little disappointed play time was over already, but figured Zebra had already knocked me on my ass. I’d already gotten him started on a second go, however, so he just opted to finish himself off.

I tried not to let his very intense fantasies distract me as Zebra spent the next hour trying to teach me how to not get ragdolled across a battlefield. He was careful not to exceed what I could reasonably handle, but it was still a tough lesson that left me a gasping, sweaty mess by the end, and not in the fun way. Fighting was definitely one co-ed activity I was not as quick to pick up on as sex.