Sunday, June 26, 2016

Dellissa's World: The Sex Mage Island

Edited from a Topographical Map of Stewart Island

The Setting
One of the possible origin ideas I had for the Sex Mage World was the idea that the whole thing is an advanced Simulation, that the Sex Mage World that is inherently “fake” even within its own universe. Only a small percentage of people within the Simulation are real, with the rest being pantomime people running through pre-set programs. Something like this could easily be done using the Fae Realm aspect of the World of Civero setting. So, as a little thought-experiment on the SMW setting, this idea proposes that the Sex Mage World is really a pocket dimension formed by an erotically-minded Fae.

In this faux-continuity, the “true” setting of the Sex Mage World is not a planet, but an island situated in a pocket dimension, floating within the Fae Realm. The Fae Realm is a vast, chaotic void of raw magic, within which exist the Fae (also referred to as the Djinn by some worlds). Normally, Fae creatures exist as barely sentient wavelengths of energy, that only take form and active thought when in contact with sapient minds from the physical realm. When manifest, they take on an identity by feeding off the psychic energy of sapient thought and imagination. Most Fae become addicted to the idea of maintaining this identity, and may try to stay in the Material Realm (“real world”) for as  long as they can, but inevitably, their mystical nature draws them back into their home reality, where they eventually dissolve.

A Fae Lord, however, is a Fae that manages to maintain a self-identity and high level of power even when returning to the Realm. Wishing to maintain this sense of self, the Fae Lord finds the best way to do so is to use their power to create small, stable pocket dimensions within the Fae Realm. Near physical worlds like Earth and Civero, the Fae Realm is all but littered with these small worlds, bubbles of reality orbiting the faint shadow of the world they draw inspiration from, just as planets orbit a star.

Fae creatures who wish to maintain an identity, but lack the power and mental cohesion of the Fae Lords, may be draw into these pocket realities, where they take on roles appropriate to the world. Fae creatures don’t mind if such a role entails repeating the same routines in an endless loop. If they get bored with it, they’ll leave the world, and their role will be filled in by another lesser Fae, a construct formed from the world itself, or if their role is minor enough, the world will continue as if they were never there.

Within this continuity, the Sex Mage World, is one of these bubble realities, floating near Earth or Civero. The island itself is about 800 miles long at its farthest points and 550 miles wide at its thickest. The island sits in the middle of a disc of water about 1000 miles in diameter. The total thickness of the disc is about 4 miles; if one dives or digs straight down, then about 1 mile from sea-level to the bottom they will find a solid plate, several feet thick, of ultra-hard grey stone. From sea-level up, there are about 3 miles of sky. As on Earth, there are clouds at the top of this sky, and a real-time water cycle, but the weather is usually fair with only mild showers now and then. It never snows, and there is no geological activity. Earth’s day-night cycle is simulated, with an illusionary sun, stars, and moon.

Should a person ever make it to the edge of the disc or attempt to fly past the clouds, they will be repelled by an invisible wall. The sky and waters appear to keep going, but in actuality this is where they end. Likewise, the stone plate signifies the very bottom of the reality. Should anyone somehow have a means to breach the invisible wall or the plate, they will fall into the chaotic void of the Fae Realm. For normal humans, this is effectively as lethal as stepping unprotected into the void of space.

It is unknown how long the island has existed, as time does not really function in the Fae Realm, and it may run at differing speeds or even reset in order to loop events endlessly, within the pocket realities. Dellissa’s World does a little bit of both. Most people on the island have a vague notion that Sex Magic has existed for at least a decade, but even these accounts can skew several years longer or short depending on whom you ask.

The Fae Lord, Dellissa
The Fae Lord who rules the Realm takes the form of a Pixie, always resembling a beautiful and sexy human woman, with a pair of translucent wings on her back which she uses to fly. She can alter her appearance at will, but by default, she appears as a fair skinned woman with very long red hair and green eyes, standing only six inches tall.

Her chosen name is Dellissa, but few people know this, just as few people, even the lesser Fae who live in her realm, even know exactly who she is. Unlike many Fae Lords, Dellissa does not present herself as an outright ruler, but instead prefers her denizens to not acknowledge or know that they are in a pocket dimension.

Likewise, Dellissa actually often dwells among the populace, invisibly observing the goings-on. Occasionally, she will even reveal herself to someone as a playful lesser fae, or as a human woman among the populace, albeit one with a powerful degree of the sexual magic all women in her realm possess.

As with all Fae Lords, within her own realm, Dellissa is as good as omnipotent and nearly omniscient, able to alter the world any way she wants, and easily alter the memories of those she has kidnapped and taken into her world so that they do not notice the changes. The lesser Fae and the magically constructed denizens within simply go along with the changes, content to adapt to knew roles or adjust their old ones accordingly. However, Dellissa does not radically alter the world often, content with the current design she has implemented now.

Defying and escaping Dellissa is virtually impossible, unless the attempted rebel is a being nearly as powerful as herself, or manages to acquire assistance from a similarly powerful entity. But even other Fae Lords will be weaker inside the World of another Lord, than they would be in their own.

Dellissa’s obsession, which defines the principles and physical laws of her World, is that of supernatural, female dominant sex, combined with elements of what we would consider mundane reality. By this, she prefers a world that largely resembles Earth, but where elements of sexual magic are real, albeit heavily skewed to give power to the women, and have men be their helpless playthings. This is why Sex Magic functions the way it does; Dellissa’s preferences define how it works. This also accounts for any time the rules of the magic seem to change, although the denizens might not be aware of these changes.

Ultimately, everything about the World reflects part of Dellissa’s will at a given time. In a way, this accounts for many of the potential illogical elements of setting; her power fills in the gaps to account for anything that might otherwise hinder the fantasy from playing out as she likes. For example, almost no bugs exist in her World, yet there is still a thriving Earth-like ecosystem, despite the fact that there are usually no bees or butterflies to help pollinate plants and no flies or mosquitoes for birds, bats, and other small animals to feed on, etc.

The Inhabitants
An exact population count is difficult to assess, as numbers may fluctuate depending on Dellissa’s desires. As a default, the island appears to hold some 5 million inhabitants, scattered throughout small towns and a handful of cities.

Pantomimes make up at least 70% of the total “population” at any given time. Pantomimes are magically created simulations of creatures that go about pre-programmed, if sometimes complicated, routines. They are almost always going to be “background characters” in any given situation, people whom the real inhabitants barely interact with in their day to day lives except on brief, surface levels. They’re the bus drivers, mail carriers, road menders, cashiers, random students at a school, random passerby on the streets, random customers in a store. They exist to maintain the illusion that the real inhabitants live in a fully developed reality, instead of a pocket dimension. The illusion is convincing enough, with enough random variables, that most humans (who likely are too concerned with other things at any given moment), will almost always never notice that the Pantomimes aren’t real.

Pantomines technically also account for essentially all non-human flora and fauna of the Island. Meat and vegetables can still be consumed for nourishment, but they are not “real” creatures in the sense that Dellissa never bothered to, say, import fish and flowers from Earth to her realm, instead magically creating approximations of them.

Lesser Fae make up about 20% of the population. They almost always consist of baseline Fae who drift in from the Fae Realm, and take on an identity fitting to Dellissa’s World. When she first created her World, Dellissa actively drew in a large number of surrounding Fae to help flesh out the population, but now her World is surrounded by a barrier that keeps most Fae from just wandering in. Nonethelss, the occasional “drifter” may slip through the barrier, usually through a temporary hole created when a denizen decides to exit the world. In this way, the population remains generally consistent.

Lesser Fae are fully sentient, but easily slip into roles most appropriate for whatever part of the island they may be on. They are fully aware that the world is a simulation, but they will never, ever break character, as roleplaying their part is literally the only thing keeping them from dissolving back into mindless energy and fading back into the Fae Realm. The only time they will break is when they decide to go to another part of the simulation and step into a different role, or if they finally decide they are bored with the role, and willingly fade back into the Fae Realm. Lesser Fae are fully aware of the Pantomimes, and make use of them however they need.

Lesser Fae possess only the power suited to their role. For example, a lesser Fae playing a Sex Mage has only Sex Mage powers, while one playing a normal human has only the abilities of a human. There is really no telling who is a Fae and who isn’t. In a way, the Fae are a true manifestation of the idea of a lie becoming truth: they take the role of a human so well, that they essentially forget they aren’t one for as long as they want to stay in the role. Unlike actual humans, however, they can “wake up” at any time and move on.

Humans comprise anywhere from 5% to 10% of the population. These are people Dellissa has outright stolen from Earth (or Civero), or any other reality where humans may dwell; in fact, the humans in her world may not even all come from the same version of Earth, instead being drawn from different Earths across the multiverse. Dellissa has a particular fascination with humans, and therefore takes them exclusively.

Humans usually are completely unaware that the World is “fake.” Many believe they are still on Earth, albeit one that has become empowered by Sex Magic. Human males and females are taken, but only females will be given the power.

Most humans are young adults, though a few might be middle aged. Children are no where to be found; if one actively looks for a child, they won’t find any, with the youngest ones being eighteen (or possibly whatever the legal age of consent is for their original country). Likewise, there doesn’t seem to be any old people; everyone is youthful and beautiful or in the slightly awkward final years of adolescence. Older people apparently exist, but Sex Magic keeps them young and healthy, so even grandmothers and grandfathers don’t appear much older than thirty.

Others are entities that are neither Human nor Pantomimes nor Fae aligned to Dellissa’s World. They comprise only a fraction of a percent, and they are usually not meant to exist within the world. They may have gotten accidentally kidnapped along with humans (somehow) or Dellissa decided on a whim to bring a non-human into her World, such as taking a human’s pet with them. Alternately, entities from other Fae Lord Worlds or even other separate Realms may occasionally stumble in. In this latter case, Dellissa will usually do her best to immediately evict such a creature, and fix whatever damage may be left behind. While rare, such visitations have way of scarring the World, particularly in “waking up” any humans to the realization that they are no longer on their homeworld, or giving them an idea on how to escape. Occasionally, though, an Other may drift into the world and ultimately decide they want to stick around and integrate into the world. This usually tends to mitigate any damage their presence might cause, and Dellissa is willing to put up with such guests as long as they do not stir up any more trouble.

The island is divided into a few major sections, each essentially self-contained. Lesser Fae denizens may flit between these sections regularly, changing roles as they do, but humans rarely ever travel from one to the other. Others are usually isolated to one region for the duration of their stay, usually because they’ll be evicted before they can travel that far. Each section is large enough and self-sufficient enough that people don’t really need to go anywhere in particular. Given that most humans are effectively trapped already, it’s rare that anyone has the opportunity to actually traverse the full range of the island.

Midland Queendom
This is the prototypical Sex Mage World setting, and covers the largest territory of the land. Mostly resembling modern day America, particularly the Mid-West, the denizens are ruled by the Megami, a handful of exceptionally powerful Sex Mages who dictate and enforce the laws of the land. The official head of state is Queen Rose, who is one of Dellissa’s many identities, and is thus rarely ever seen. The other Megami are usually played by Pantomimes whenever they need to make public appearances, but the roles may be assumed by Lesser Fae at times.

Midland has three small cities and one large capital city, Rosaria, around which are a small stretch of suburb, which fades into farmland and wilderness, with a few dozen small towns scattered between. The society is heavily female dominant; men are frequently, routinely at the mercy of women’s Sex Magic, always being played with or set up for embarrassment or used for women’s pleasure. Men are almost always denied orgasm, masturbation, and the ability to initiate sex, often kept naked and hard at all times, are frequently subject to teasing, mostly by their mistress, girlfriend, or wife, but often by strangers.

Most humans who live within the Midland Queendom believe they are on Earth, but that the whole world was taken over by the Megami, and the various countries chopped up and divided between them, creating new countries at some point a couple years ago. They know they exist on a large island nation with a couple other Queendoms, but likewise believe that other Queendoms to exist on the (none existent) continents beyond the sea.

Most denizens, however long they stay, have a vague idea that Sex Magic only appeared just a few years ago (anywhere from five to ten years ago). The Magic has obviously been around long enough to radically alter society into a new paradigm, but not so long that everybody is totally used to it. Everyone still seems to be at varying levels of “getting used to it”, thus keeping the dynamic of the power exchange fresh and exciting for everyone involved.

The Midland Queendom hosts the more “mundane” Sex Magic scenarios, relatively speaking. This is where you’ll find frequent fantasies of normal women learning to embrace the magic, and men having to learn their new place. Teen girls just coming into their powers test them on the shy boy next door. Wives decide its time to take charge of their husband’s sexual habits. Hot teachers discipline naughty boys at school. Sexy customers squeeze a discount out of a male cashier. A night out to a bar leads to an unexpected invite to an orgy.

Families are usually arranged to have a single male surrounded by several females. Mothers and sisters and aunts flagrantly use their magic on male family members. Frequently, families will consist of one young man living with a single mother and one or more sisters, or a man with a wife and one or more daughters, or a nephew who has been taken in by his aunt and one or more female cousins. Often times, these relations may turn out to not be by blood (step mothers and step sisters).

Alternatively, a man may be single and ripe for being snared and teased by single women, who view the taking of “free roaming men” as a great source of fun. A young man may move into a new apartment only to find all his neighbors are women. Boys may be in boarding schools or universities with a majority of female students. A man might get a new job at an office where he finds out he’s one of the very few male employees.

In every case, people only seem to need to go off to work or deal with inconveniences like car repairs if the scenario calls for it. Pantomimes make up almost the entirety of the work force, with a few Lesser Fae filling in the occasional role. Most of the time, none of the human men actually have jobs, or have jobs with very flexible hours, enabling them to be played with at a moments notice, without risks to their livelihood. It is otherwise just understood that most basic labor jobs are now filled by men, while all the white collar and higher paying jobs and authority positions are staffed by women. As such, well-off women don’t mind supporting house husbands or live-in boy toys.

Generally speaking, the “level” of female cruelty towards men may fluctuate from town to town, with some places being more friendly and playful, while others are more outright strict and punishing. On average, humans are placed in whatever town best caters to their own fetishes, so ostensibly, any human involved in this reality more or less would already fantasize regularly about the level of treatment they get. If they dream of being with a playful, but ultimately sweet wife, then that’s what they’ll get. If they dream of being tied naked to a stake in public, with every female passerby cruelly zapping their cocks with mind-blowing tease spells, that’s what they’ll get. Likewise, if a woman wants a devoted harem to play harmless pranks on, or enslaved men she can viciously break over and over again.

Effectively, however cruel and vicious their experience appears to be, each human is effectively living their greatest femdom sex fantasy, though not realizing that this isn’t just some cosmic coincidence. Then again, people fantasies can often exceed what they could tolerate in real life, and many of the humans in this world find they’ve bitten off more than they could possibly chew.

Metis Academy
Based more or less on the idea of a School for Wayward Boys, this particularly relentless femdom scenario sends a hundred helpless boys to live out a never ending school year, wherein freshly awakening Sex Mage girls test their new powers on their fellow classmates, guided by Sex Mage veteran teachers, all while expecting boys to somehow keep up with some kind of school work. Said school work rarely gets done, of course, as the boys are frequently experimented on, played with, kidnapped, and humiliated by the 100+ females at the school.

Though located in the Midland Queendom, Metis Academy is an isolated community, a small campus separated from the nearest town by a hundred kilometers. In some ways, the facility is its own micro-Queendom. Occasionally, young men from the Midland Queendom are “transferred in” to the school, while others are pulled out, but the actual school year never really ends, so much as occasionally just seems to restart. The year cycles through the female students not having powers at first, then with all of them gaining powers one by one, and finally, the boys being made to move in with the girls as their servant roommates, until the next reset.

Pandora Research Facility
A huge research facility composed of a series of labs on a self-sufficient scientific base. Like Metis, the facility is isolated, at least two hundred kilometers from the nearest town. Here, weird science experiments, usually involving clones and transformations are facilitated, creating strange sexual scenarios.

Pandora, like its namesake, is frequently doomed; inevitably, an event will happen in which the facility creates an entity which overruns and destroys the place, overpowering all staff and subjects with irresistible spells, then moves on to attack the rest of civilization. This is usually in the form of “The Created”, a powerful, artificially created Sex Mage of Megami-level strength, although other entities are occasionally responsible instead. However, as with Metis Academy, Pandora will “reset” after such an event, and the Created or any other rogue entities will almost always vanish before actually reaching the nearest town.

On rare occasion, Pandora experiment subjects are released into the Midland Queendom, while new subjects are brought in from there. However, said subjects keep their involvement in Pandora hushed.

Victoria Queendom
This nation is an extreme femdom state, where women live in a sadistic rendition of a “lesbian utopia.” The women of Victoria live an elevated and comfortable lifestyle, and form romantic partnerships, men are treated with utter contempt or complete indifference, valued only as utilities. Men are used as furniture, transformed into clothes and sex toys for women to use, used as hover boards for women to fly around town on, and for even more degrading tasks. Most buildings and street corners have men frozen and trapped against walls in a constant state of teased torment in order to keep the women empowered through their arousal at all times.

Unlike men who merely play with similar fetishes in Midland and other regions, men placed here are those whose fetish is mixed with a degree of genuine self-loathing, some small part of them believing they deserve such treatment.

Victoria has three moderate cities, one large capital city, Virgo, with large suburban sprawl radiating out from them. Large stretches of wilderness and some farmland separate these from the smaller towns, but most Victorians prefer a metropolitan lifestyle, so the majority of their population is concentrated within the cities, versus Midlanders tendency to spread out among smaller rural communities. The head of state is Queen Victoria, who is another of Dellissa’s rarely seen identities; she is often filled in for by Lesser Fae.

The Victoria Queendom is something of a “rival” to Midland. While they are not openly hostile to one another, there is some nationalistic pride for both countries. Midlanders think that Victorians go too far with their treatment of men, while Victorians think Midlanders don’t go far enough. Likewise, there are shades of a class conflict between the two cultures, Victorians on average seeing themselves as higher class than the Midlander bumpkins. Midlanders in turn tend to view Victorians as haughty elitists.

Tlazol Correctional Facility
Another isolated facility, this one set on a small island west of the main land, this is a “maximum security” prison for male criminals who have committed terrible crimes. People in other regions talk about this place, but almost no one is ever actually sent there for crimes they may have done, unless somehow, a human manages to do something truly terrible. Mostly, humans in the Tlazol Facility are sent there directly upon being kidnapped. Men sent here are usually humans who in their mundane lives committed terrible crimes against women or perpetuated true misogyny, and Dellissa feels justified in punishing them with a femdom hell.

However, in the rare event that a human in another part of the island becomes fully aware of Dellissa’s false reality Simulation, and attempts to massively disrupt it, they may be “disappeared” to Tlazol. This latter case is the one instance in which the masquerade may be allowed to slip, and Lesser Fae, Pantomimes, and even Dellissa herself may reveal the true nature of the World. Woe be the human who finds themselves in this situation, for they are truly doomed. The cost of attempting to screw with Dellissa’s World is to spend the rest of his (or her) days being teased into absolute insanity and eventually death.

Fantasia Queendom
While officially a single Queendom, the country is divided into four distinct states that are largely autonomous. The official head of state of Queen Rika, but she is mostly a figurehead who is rarely seen (another of Dellissa’s identities), and each state is instead actively ruled over by its own Governess from the state capital. Queen Rika is only really consulted for interstate concerns, emergencies, or concerns regarding the other Queendoms. However, despite being so distinct from one another, they all have a common element that separates them from the likes of Midland and Victoria: the citizens have all used the shape-shifting powers of Sex Magic to alter the bodies in one way or another.

The typical fantasy scenarios played out in Fantasia tend to be on the light side of femdom on average. There is an almost deification of the Magic as a possibly sentient natural force of raw feminine power. Ergo, the femdom sensibilities of this Queendom are more about the worship of the divine female essence, than the purely sexual power plays seen in Midland and Victoria. In fact, on average, men are more free to pursue their own careers and hobbies, have more rights as citizens, and are afforded more protection. There are also plenty of women who even take a more submissive or supportive role with men, although at the end of the day, the women are clearly the ones who make the final decisions.

Fantasia has a dicey relationship with the other two Queendoms. Midlanders find their exotic forms too weird. Bizarre sexual play is one thing, but anyone who wants to permanently run around as a cat-mutant or a giantess is probably deranged. Victorians, meanwhile, have no problem with Fantasians liberal use of transformation, but find their overall fairer treatment of men and their indulgence in female submission foolish at best and offensive at worst. Citizens of both Queendoms sometimes call the country Freak Land. Fantastians, on the other hand, don’t give Midland or Victoria much thought if they can help it. In their eyes, Midlanders are just a bunch of dumb, boring hicks, and Victorians are bunch of dangerous psychos.

New Bestia
New Bestia is a small region that takes up the northern half of the lower peninsula of the island. The main defining feature of this state is that it has an “anthro” theme to it. All the inhabitants have used Sex Magic to transform themselves into sexy animal and monster people. Catgirls, bunnygirls, wolfgirls, snakegirls, beegirls, beargirls, minotaurs, slimegirls, spidergirls, mermaids, centaurs, winged women (bird and bat), etc.

Because of the physical enhancements of their bestial forms, there is less need for certain modern conveniences. As such, New Bestia has a lower level of technology than most. Vehicles are mainly just used for public transport, cell phones don’t exist, and the region lacks an equivalent to the internet. Houses are simpler in construction, and material comforts are less common. Guns and explosives technology is not found here, as people prefer the use of their physical prowess in the rare times when violence might break out. Usually combat is just used in a sports context, such as fighting tournaments, or the few times men might compete for a certain woman’s affection.

The femdom traditions of New Bestia involve an “alpha” woman having a small harem of men devoted to her. She may also have a female lover or two as well, and these couplings form a small pack or tribe with their men. Rarely, a man may find himself the target of two or three different women’s affections without competition from other guys, but this “reverse harem” status doesn’t last very long. If a man is not yet claimed, he is considered free game for any woman who wants to play with him. Men tend to be less resistant to this, however. Once claimed by a woman, a man has little to fear from other women randomly teasing him, as he is under protected status.

Females in search of males find single men, playfully chasing and teasing them, and if she decides she likes him, she gives him a “love bite.” The bite marks him with a tattoo that identifies him as hers. Most “free men” are still fully human, or only possess very minor animalistic features, however, when he becomes marked, the woman’s magic will transform him into an anthro form she finds ideal. For some men, this means they simply get a cat ears and tail or a pair of wings. For others, they undergo a full body transformation into a bipedal wolf, tiger, eagle, snake man, etc. While all women and most men appear exotically beautiful with definitive human sexual traits mixed with their bestial aesthetics, some men, and rarely some women, may appear more monstrous, if it makes them look “cool” instead. Rarely, instead of a purely animal form, a person may take on an elemental persona with some minor bestial qualities.

Amazonia takes up the southern half of the peninsula it shares with New Bestia. Their technology level is on par with that of Midland, with modern housing and computer technology. Most vehicles are still reserved for public transport, however.

The society of Amazonia functions much like the people of New Bestia, save that they focus on giantess and shrinking fetishes instead of anthro forms. Most women increase their own size to anywhere from eight to twenty feet, while most men are shrunk down to a few inches tall. Rarely, one might find a woman who shrinks herself down while keeping her man full-sized, but this is usually only for temporary play; it’s rare to find a persistently “shrunken women.” These size alterations compensate for any problems that would normally arise due to biological physics, with the women not suffering the problems of stress from increased mass, and the men being made comparatively super tough, super strong, and often not needing oxygen to survive, in order to ensure they stay safe even when shrunken down.

While the giantesses of Amazonia are a bit more strict than New Bestia, they are no less caring of their male charges. If anything, they are more protective, for although their magic does toughen up men to survive better in a shrunken state, the women don’t want to lose or accidentally hurt them.

Lemuria Bay
A nation of anthros who take on specifically aquatic forms. They inhabit the open sea west of New Bestia and Amazonia, which is sparsely dotted with small islands. Because of their oceanic nature, they eschew almost all modern technology, living in simple underwater structures made of coral reefs, underwater caves and valleys, or dense kelp forests. Only one port city on their largest island serves as an above-water settlement where citizens from the other states can more comfortably interact and trade with them.

Lemurian society pretty much resembles that of New Bestia, to the point that the only real reason they are a separate state at all is their different environment. However, this isolation has also made them less easy to relate to surface dwellers, and they tend to act a bit more shy and reserved, even around New Bestians.

Alfheim Isles
Instead of beast people or “mundane” giants, the denizens of Alfheim have opted for a more traditional fantasy motif. Alfheim is a land of elves, dwarves, gnomes, trolls, ogres, pixies, and other such humanoid creatures of folkore and myth. Their society reflects a largely medieval theme, relying almost entirely on Dark Ages level technology, even though modern conveniences exist in steampunk style forms, such as fantastical steam boats, trains, and even a few airships. The most advanced weapon one is likely to find is the crossbow and the very occasional musket.

The society of Alfheim resembles many of the fantasy stereotypes associated with sword-and-sorcery fiction. While there is a gleaming city populated by “high elves” that serves as the state’s capital, most people live on subsistence level farms or fishing villages, or make money as peddlers and merchants that operate out of caravans. Swashbuckling adventurers occasionally go on monster hunts, and the local fauna even resembles some of the chimerical monsters of myth.

Femdom fantasy scenarios can involve female heroes rescuing hapless boyfriends from the clutches of evil teasing enchantresses, male knight errants rescuing maidens from towers who then reward him with magically enhanced love making, pirates kidnapping the daughter of a local lord only for her to use Sex Magic to punish her captors, underdog farmboys trying to woo their way into the heart of the local princess who will take him as her devoted lover, mischievous pixies playing teasing pranks on hapless travelers.

Dellissa tends to be seen the most in this particular area of her world, as she can stay in her favorite pixie-fairy form and very easily blend in as a “normal” pixie girl looking for a good time. She still does not reveal her true nature to the humans she plays with and even most Lesser Fae won’t realize who she is unless she tells them.

Mysterious Areas
There are certain parts of Dellissa’s Realm that are not generally known about by the majority of its inhabitants. Dellissa, of course, knows of them all, as do a few select Fae. Rarely, a human may stumble upon these areas, but their memories of them are usually erased afterwards.

Flesh Caves
There are certain areas of the World where the Magic naturally gathers in high concentrations. Some of these are temporary, he Magic ebbing and flowing from certain regions like the tides or atmospheric fronts. Others seem to be stationary points. These latter could be considered “load bearing” pillars of the World’s mystical structure. The high concentrate of Magic in these areas can cause a strange geological formation of Flesh Caves to appear. A handful of these caves are located in each Queendom, some isolated in the depths of the wilderness, some located near small towns.

These organic structures take the form of caves made of warm, moist flesh, not unlike a woman’s vaginal walls. The inside of the caves are humid and even smell of feminine arousal, and the surface of the flesh is always well lubricated. Stalagmites, stalactites, and bulbous formations of hypnotically twisting and alluringly curved flesh extend from numerous surfaces.

The concentration of Magic causes an incredibly intense aura of arousal. Men who enter the cave find themselves quickly overwhelmed with painfully intense erections and sexual need, to the point of barely being able to walk under their own power, and likely blacking out. Touching the various fleshy protrusions causes an intense spike of this magically enforced arousal and a breathtaking surge of pleasure. While in the cave, men find it impossible to achieve orgasm, even if a Sex Magic is trying to make him.

The aura of the cave is so intense that even women are affected, though to a much lesser degree. If they stay in the cave for long enough, they will become quite aroused, though it won’t reach unbearable levels for several hours. If they enter and exit the cave in just a few minutes, they may barely even notice the aura. Touching the fleshy protrusions do cause pleasant tingles of pleasure through them.

Lesser Fae and Pantomimes are immune to the effects of the cave if they so choose to be. This has led to a few rather vicious Sex Mage Fae taking advantage of this by dragging their men into the cave to tease and have sex with them while they are suffering from its intense arousal effects.

Remnants are isolated settlements that act as something like “back up templates” for Dellissa’s various Queendom ideas. While the details presented in this article represent Dellissa’s ideal Sex Mage World set up, she sometimes like to switch things up a bit, alter details of certain Queendoms, test out new concepts before she decides to implement them, etc. In the event she decides she doesn’t like something, or in the event one of her regions is damaged beyond recovery by outside forces, she has will create a Remnant of it, tucked away in some difficult to region section of her world. Every Queendom has at least one Remnant of itself somewhere within its borders, while other Remnants of no-longer existing regions are usually kept on uninhabited islands no one knows about.

Remnants are not just the physical structures, though. More importantly, Remnants are filled with Pantomimes, which go through the motions of the daily routines to expected in the society the Remnant represents. These Pantomimes are less complicated than most, and do not break from their limited routines. Once set in motion, Dellissa largely forgets about them until she needs to dig them up again.

Unfortunately this means that, unlikely as it is, a Human or Lesser Fae or Other may stumble into a Remnant. If they do so, they may end up trapped there as they are caught up in the Pantomime’s routines, which are methodical and repetitive enough that there will be something very obviously false about the whole set up. A human who enters this area may feel they have entered some sort of bizarre sexualized Twilight Zone episode. At best, they simply assume the town is crazy. At worst, they may awaken to the truth of Dellissa’s reality, which runs the risk of damaging the Remnant. In any case, it is in their best interest to try and escape on their own, as Dellissa is likely to not even notice they are there unless she happens to check up on the Remnant on a random whim.

Terror Zones
Some years ago, an entity of Temaelian origin “fell into” Dellissa’s Realm, hitting the western coast of the island like a meteor. The creature, an enormous eldritch horror brimming with dark alien magic, arrived in her Realm purely by chance, but its presence was no accident. Temael has always hated the Fae, and has occasionally amused Itself by firing It’s progeny into the depths of the Fae Realm. There, its terrible creations drift for as long as they can, until they either dissolve into nothing, or until they chance upon a Fae Lord Realm, whereupon they immediately set out to destroy the little artificial realities. Dellissa’s Realm just happened to catch the eye of one such drifting horror.

Dellissa, through a great effort, managed to evict the creature from her world, mortally wounding it, and shoving it out to die in the chaotic roil of the greater Fae Realm, where it was torn to pieces. However, its alien power nonetheless left a deep “stain” on the world which has never fully gone away.

The monster had a hand in “awakening” a great many of the trapped humans, cluing them in that they were indeed not on Earth, but some alien, magical simulation. Since the Fae Lord Realms are sustained and stabilized by the concepts that founded them, the foreign creature fundamentally damaged the core concepts of the World, creating a festering “wound” in the reality’s structure. Dellissa could not completely seal off and heal this wound right away, and is very slowly over time mending the damage and draining out the “poison” of the creature’s passing.

In addition, she and the other Lesser Fae had to re-establish the false memories of the awakened humans. For the most part, they succeeded, but during the time of panic, several people were able to escape the realm, while others remained, but never entirely forgot the incident. For now, though, the situation was largely stabilized.

Things didn’t stop there, however. The Temaelian entity left an infection of dark magic within Dellissa’s Realm that still festers in the nooks and crannies of her reality. Even now, this energy can collect in hidden corners of her world, and upon achieving a critical level of concentration, boil outwards in a surge of dark magic. These surges manifest as small regions of darkness infested with monstrous creatures. These regions are known as Terror Zones, and whenever they appear, Dellissa must drop everything to try and shut them down.

Terror Zones are dangerous regions perverted to the monstrous themes of Temael’s magic. Areas touched by the Zone begin to transform into barren wastelands. From the ground rise walking skeletons that attack the living with flesh-decaying mist. Ordinary animals are twisted and warped into nightmarish, blood thirsty chimera. Even some plants are altered into vicious, mobile carnivores. Even some lesser Fae may be overwhelmed by the surge of magic and be converted into horror-monster themed forms to attack the very Realm they had just been calling home. Within these regions, Sex Magic falters and Fae Magic weakens drastically. Worst of all, humans caught in a Zone are once again awakened to the horrifying realization that they are hostages in a never ending sexual nightmare, tormented at the whims of inhuman entities. In this latter case, this can accelerate the damage being inflicted by the Zone.

A Fae Lord Realm relies on maintaining its conceptual paradigms in order to retain existential cohesion. This is done through the denizens of the Realm performing actions which support such concepts, as well as ensuring that the humans within the Realm solidly believe in the paradigm their life has adapted, thus anchoring the Realm into existential solidity. As a Terror Zone overwrites sections of her world with alien concepts, and as humans lose their grip of belief in the Realm, this threatens to literally dissolve parts of her world into nothing, until her Realm completely unravels. Dellissa herself, being the Realm’s Lord, is able to fix these conceptual wounds over time, but the effect still leaves a weakened patch-job of her world. In order to fully repair it, she needs humans and lesser Fae to reinforce the area with their actions and beliefs.

Ergo, in order to better combat the appearance of Terror Zones, Dellissa has formed a select group of Sex Mages and loyal men to act as a military force to combat the monsters using Sex Magic fueled superhuman abilities. The men are shrunken and inserted into the women, then teased to near insanity, providing huge bursts of Lust Energy, which can then be channeled into more traditional comic book style super powers and elemental combat spells. In this way, the specialized task force not only suppresses the danger of the monsters, but by doing so in a way that reinforces the concepts of female dominant sexual acts, they reassert the Realms original conceptual paradigms to weaken the hold of the invasive magic. As the monsters are defeated and Dellissa drains away the dark magic, the Terror Zone vanishes, and the region it infected returns to normal.
Terror Zones crop up randomly, usually in wild areas with few to no humans or lesser Fae immediately caught within. Most tend to begin only a few kilometers wide. However, once a Zone appears, its creations may exit the Zone to attack nearby towns, and the Zone itself slowly begins to expand to engulf more of the region. Fortunately for Dellissa, the Zones seem unable to manifest directly into civilized areas, as the activities and beliefs of the humans and Fae within act as a natural barrier. However, once a Zone appears and begins to enlarge and grow stronger, there is a very real risk that it could swallow nearby settlements, making it essential that she and her team of defenders jumps on the situation immediately.

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