Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Flesh Pit Caverns

The Flesh Pit Caverns is an “optional addition” to the settings of my erotic multiverse. Whether it is actually present on a physical world, or if it’s just another hyper-sexual pocket dimension, the end result is largely the same.

The Flesh Pit Caverns are a massive subterranean territory made not of earth and stone, but seemingly of human flesh and blood. More specifically, much of the cavern system’s texture resembles a vaginal passage: pink, flexible, sometimes ridged or smooth, almost always moist with fluid, though there are some dry spots. Streams and ponds of viscous sexual fluids, which drip or flow from various glands, are the main source of this fluid, and lend the entire cave system its humid, musky atmosphere. The air is always well oxygenated, and thus safe to breathe, but always has the smell of a healthy vaginal musk. There is always a very faint flow of air through the caverns, drifting slowly one way, then the other, as if the cavern system itself is shallowly breathing. Moreover, if a person stands very still, or lays down fully on the ground, they will be able to feel a faint pulse in the flesh beneath them.

Sections of the cavern may be closed off by expanding and contracting portals that resemble vaginal lips. Getting through these portals usually requires touching them a certain way, tickling them in the right spots to make them open up (or snap closed). Such portals always have one or more clitoris-like protrusions which are the best parts to target to get the door to open up. Similar portals usually also mark the entrance to the caves themselves, tucked away deep in the wilderness, or in underground passages and pre-existing cave entrances.

There are also throat-like passages of smooth, slick muscle that will automatically squeeze a person gently along itself, like a sort of organic elevator. These passages are often hard to spot, usually appearing too small to accommodate a person at first, but if one knows where to look, and where to tickle the flesh, it can stretch open a comfortable bubble of space for the person to push themselves in, then guide them along the throat to other parts of the cave system.

The flesh of the cave can be cut, and will bleed. However, the flesh is quite tough, and requires very sharp objects to cut. Moreover, damage to the flesh is rapidly recovered, and any spilled blood is absorbed directly back into the flesh.

The cavern also occasionally demonstrates other body parts. Tongue-like tendrils will sprout from the floor or ceiling like living stalagmites and stalactites. Random walls or columns covered with breasts may be encountered, which are capable of giving milk. At least one section contains a field of soft, bushy pubic hair over smooth, dry skin.

The Caverns, despite being underground, are lit inside, thanks to large, bright, bio-luminescent orbs that give off a soft, white, red, or blue light. The orbs, while blank and unseeing, have the form and feel of human eyes, and are even regulated by eyelids built into the flesh around the orb socket. The lids of the orbs will slowly open for several hours, starting with blue light, then shifting to white. Then, they will remain open for several more hours, staying white. After this time, they will slowly begin to close for several hours, turning red as they go, before the orbs close. The stay closed for several more hours, before repeating the process. When timed, the orbs of most of the cavern went through this cycle in six hour sets, thus replicating Earth’s own day-night cycle, albeit unbeholden to seasonal changes. However, one might sometimes encounter small sections at the edges of the cave system where the orbs shine in different frequencies and orders.

The Flesh Pit Caverns, for all their inherent body-horror creepiness, has a natural psychic calming influence on all who enter it. Violent aggression and negative emotions are suppressed, while a general pleasant feeling is promoted.

The Cavern also heightens the libidos of all humans and humanoids who enter, encouraging sexual play. While those with a high libido don’t really notice, those with low libidos definitely feel a change. While inside the Cavern, penises and clitorises become erect and lubricate at the slightest provocation, if they don’t just stay that way the entire time. By and large, any couple that stays in the cave for an extended period finds themselves needing sex at least once a day, if not twice or thrice. The Cavern does not overdo this effect, however.

Moreover, it entices anyone who enters to strip naked, and feel the flesh of itself on their bare skin. This effect is resistible, but the longer a person fights it, the more the feeling nags at them, until they eventually snap and ditch their clothing and gear.

Women inside the Cavern find themselves feeling powerful, confident, sexy, affectionate, and dominant, even if they didn’t before. Men find themselves feeling more submissive towards women, but less concerned over their own insecurities. Still, men may find it difficult to attain sexual pleasure without first pleasing their partners, and in some cases, men are unable to achieve orgasm, or even masturbate, without a woman’s permission.

There is also a general healing effect within the cave, as illness and infections are quickly cleared up, injuries mend at accelerated rates, people have more stamina, and somehow, being hard for days at a time doesn’t cause any injury. Because of this, no known pathogens seem able to survive in the cave. It’s speculated that aging may be reduced, but so far no long-term studies have been conducted.

The cave welcomes humans, but seems to actively shoo away other animals. Plants and fungi seem unable to find any purchase in the caves.

The living flesh of the cave system is very accommodating to life, or least human/humanoid life. One can survive entirely on just what the cave provides, though they might not always like it. The lubricating fluids of the system are safe to drink, and while they don’t quite quench a thirst the way water does, it does provide the necessary amount of fluid for survival.

More palatable, however, is the milk provided by the breasts growing out of walls and columns found randomly throughout the cave. This milk has all the nutrition needed to keep the human body alive and better quenches thirst. It’s worth noting, however, that drinking the milk heightens the psychic effects of the cavern system on those who drink it. Several expedition groups who’d entered to explore the caves and never returned, were discovered weeks later by rescue teams. The initial groups, having gotten lost and trapped in the caves, formed a nudist colony in one of the largest open sections, living entirely off the milk. This left them so completely mellowed out and attuned to the cavern, that all they wanted to do was hang out, sleep, drink, and having sex. There was no notable drop in intelligence, just a shift in priorities to a simple, base lifestyle.

While the milk itself doesn’t seem to be addicting, control tests have shown that people within a hundred miles of the cave who drink the milk outside of it, find themselves compelled to travel to the caves for several days after consumption. Beyond this range, drinking the milk had a mild calming effect, but otherwise had no other influence. This has led to speculation that the milk may not be addictive, but it serves as a vector for the cave’s psychic influence.

Consuming the meat and blood of the cave is possible, but given the difficulty of acquiring it, the abundance of the milk, and the stigma of cannibalism (despite the cave itself being obviously not human), it is considered a wasted effort. Nonetheless, the meat is still quite tough, almost impossible to chew raw, and even after a thorough tenderizing and long cooking, it’s tougher than most meat, and can give the consumer an upset stomach if more than a small amount is consumed. It isn’t as nutritious as the milk, yet has a noticeably stronger effect of making the consumer influenced by the cave.

Of course, living in the caves might not be difficult from a resource standpoint, but as any explorer who stays long enough will discover, the cave has its own native inhabitants, some of whom are keen on capturing and using humans for their own needs. See the Creatures section below.

The Flesh Pit Caves can be inserted into most worlds within the Erotic Multiverse. Regardless of setting, the cave is not malevolent. Despite its psychic influence abilities, it is no more intelligent than a tree, and whatever actions it may take, it does so out of natural instincts. In so far as it could be considered to have a motivation, it only wishes to be inhabited by at least some people, and coax them to sexual affection.

As a Fae Lord Realm, this is likely something created by the sex-obsessed Fae Lord Dellissa, either as a separate realm, or as part of her Sex Mage Island, where it exists beneath parts of New Bestia and Amazonia, making those Queendoms even more exotic.

In the Jahi’s Invasion world, the cave system is the result of a mad sorcery experiment by several Witches to summon a powerful monster to aid in conquering one of the major remaining fortress cities in North America by tunneling under it. For whatever reason, the summoning was botched, the great monster coming through largely unformed. Because of the sexual magic involved, the monster was influenced by and reformed into the Cave system, actually warping the Mammoth-Flint System into the Flesh Pit Caves.

In Civero, if one doesn’t go with the Fae Lord Realm idea, than the Flesh Pit Caves can be one of the many strange and terrible remnants of the Dark War or Majestic Era. The Caves could be either a pocket realm created by a horny Maji as their personal sex dungeon, or it could be one of Jahi and/or Echidna’s monsters left over from the War.

In the Sex Mage World, the Caves could be created by a Megami turning the people of her Queendom into a weird gestalt monster, or it could be a runaway Pandora experiment gone awry.

The Flesh Pit Caves are home to several breeds of strange, sexual creatures, most of which follow a femdom theme.

Appears as a large, floating jellyfish with thick tentacles or perhaps an eyeless octopus. Smooth and slimy all around, their tentacles nonetheless are able to grip a person and hold them fast. They start with only four tentacles when young, but can grow as many as twelve as they age. The creatures seem to love feeding on human sexual fluids, though fortunately  one orgasm’s worth is usually enough to sate them.

The suctopus easily blends into the cavern’s fleshy walls, often positioning itself as normal protrusion in the flesh, then springs on an unwary passerby. It will bind the person with its tendrils and proceed to have sex with the, using the flexible vaginal orifice tucked up between their legs, where an octopus beak would normally be. The orifice has a long prehensile tongue which it can use to penetrate a woman, but it prefers to ride men first and foremost.

Occasionally, one might notice that a human mouth has suddenly manifested on the walls of the flesh cave. This red-lipped, feminine orifice has all the function of a human mouth, including a tongue, teeth, and throat that previously did not exist in the wall. The mouth is able to slide itself along any part of the Flesh Pit’s surface, and sometimes, several may appear in a flock at once. Once it vanishes, the wall shows no trace the mouth was ever there, including no presence of any throat or hidden skin flap the mouth could have hid behind. Because of this Wallips are also sometimes called Wall Phantoms or Phantom Mouths.

Wallips are able to speak, using a sultry, husky whisper. As they do so, the person whose attention they want hears the Wallips speaking alluring phrases, coaxing them near. This is due to a psychic influence that projects and translates the Wallips’ speech into the most enticing thing their target can hear. In actuality, the Wallips are not saying anything meaningful. Both eavesdroppers and audio recordings prove the Wallips are actually speaking in total gibberish and word salads, often rapidly switching languages. It is unknown how the Wallips learn any language at all, but its psychic powers may allow it to absorb human knowledge. Lacking a sapient brain, however, it doesn’t know what to do with said knowledge, and instead just babbles.

Wallips coax men, and sometimes even women, to come up to them and allow the Wallip to give them oral sex. The Wallip seems to feed on human sexual fluids, apparently unsatisfied or unable to use, the fluids formed by the cave itself. A Wallips will usually go away after a single climax, and given how aroused most people are after long enough in the cave, they are usually easily swayed by the Wallip’s psychic enticement. On occasion, however, whole “flocks” of Wallips have been know to trip a person and latch onto them once they hit a wall or floor, and start sucking them until the die of exhaustion. As such, even those long mellowed out by the cave’s influence have enough sense of self-preservation to know that while a solitary Wallip is usually safe, as soon as you see several Wallips in an area, you need to immediately vacate before they notice you.

A human who lives for long enough in the cave becomes devoted to it, seeing the cave as almost a mother-goddess. Leaving the cave becomes unbearable for them, no matter how long they are removed. They can think only of returning to the safe, warm, loving womb the Cave represents. Such people are derogatorily referred to as Cave Dwellers, Mole People, or Morlocks.

Humans thus enthralled by the Cave are very dangerous to new comers still largely uninfluenced, who may thus pose a threat to it. In particular, they disdain those with scientific intent, who would carve into the Cave’s flesh not even for food, but just for curiosity’s sake, or try to capture the inhabitants for study. Likewise, they despise those raiders who come into the cave with the intent to steal away its local fauna and milk.

Otherwise, a Cave Dweller will not harm someone who shows they bear the Cave or its inhabitants no ill intent. A Cave Dweller may even help the person survive and leave the cave, the better to remove the potential threat. Cave Dwellers otherwise are fiercely protective of other humans who live in the Cave, even if they have not reached the level of devotion the Dweller has.

Occasionally, one of the glowing orbs will open in the middle of the night or stop glowing during the day. When this happens, it then develops the features of a human eye and will look around to observe activity in the area. Creatures and humans who meet its gaze find themselves hypnotized almost instantly. While in this trance state, they become rooted to the spot, entering a form of stasis, wherein they are unaffected by the outside world. As if frozen in time, the person becomes a living statue, not moving, not breathing, not blinking, not eating or sleeping. At some point, the eye vanishes and returns to a normal orb, but the person is left standing there, frozen, until some other person or creature physically shakes them out of it.

No one is sure why this happens, what the eyes are actually doing, or what triggers their appearance. Some think the eyes are collecting data through telepathy. Others think they were once meant as a way to trap prey before eating it, or trap enemies for easy elimination, but the eyes have no means of attacking those they freeze.

The Flesh Pit Caves have not existed for very long a few years at most, but occasionally, a person or even creature is found frozen in some distant, isolated section of the Cave that no one has seen before. If shaken free and questioned, they reveal that they think the cave appearing is still a brand new phenomenon, meaning they’ve been stuck that way for at least a couple years. Who knows how long a person could stay trapped?

Although humanoid, these lumpy, misshapen creatures made of pure flesh have no discernable facial features, orifices, or sexual organs of any kind. No one is sure how these creatures feed or breed or even where they come from. Rumors say they simply grow and fall off the walls of the cave itself, like mobile tumors.

Flesh Golems shamble around with no discernable goal, but if they come close to a human, they may attempt some kind of physical intimacy. Sometimes, the golem just hugs the person, or caresses them, or attempts a kiss despite not having any lips. Other times, the golem will attempt sex, rubbing itself against the person’s genitals and masturbating them. The creatures are insistent, but rarely outright aggressive, and escaping one is as easy as leaving their immediate range. This must be done before the creature latches on, however, as regardless of shape and size, they are all very strong. Still, even the most forceful of golems will release a person after an hour of touching, either growing bored, or feeling it completed whatever task it thought it was doing.

A team of explorers once captured a Flesh Golem and dragged it out of the cave, only for it to die the moment it exited. An autopsy which cut away the excess flesh of the creature’s form revealed it to be made of solid muscle, lacking any bones or defined organs. It is believed the Golems may literally be moving parts of the cave, piloted by the cave’s own psychic influence.

In at least three sections of the cave, large round structures resembling ovaries occasionally grow human-sized, clear, jelly-like eggs that eventually fall off from the structure. When they hit the ground, they will cement to the spot for twenty-four hours, hardening their exterior into an opaque shell. Afterwards, the shell crumbles apart, revealing a fully grown human. These humans appear to have features that resemble several other humans, and DNA testing as shown that they are actually the genetic children of random people living in the caves, as if they had been artificially conceived and grown. In any case, the traits inherited always leave an exceptionally healthy and beautiful specimen, male or female.

Egg-Spawn are born with full human knowledge, presumably psychically downloaded from normal humans via the caves psychic powers. They can reasonably pass off a human personality, such that most people won’t notice their true nature at first glance. Nonetheless, there is always something slightly off about them that clues a normal person in that the new arrival to the caves is not normal. Few people are aware of the ovary sections, and thus don’t know the Egg-Spawn were born of the caves themselves.

Egg-Spawn are motivated to leave the cave and explore the world outside of them. They use their natural beauty, pheromones, and a mild psychic persuasion to seduce humans they find into helping them. Egg-Spawn have been known to occasionally bring humans back the caves, particularly those with exceptional qualities, leading some to think one function of the Caves is to somehow find and genetically engineer the perfect human being. For what purpose is unknown.

That aside, most Egg-Spawn remain stationed outside the cave, often living secretly in nearby human settlements or forging a life in the wilderness. All Egg-Spawn can communicate telepathically with each other and seemingly with the cave, although the cave doesn’t know what to do with the information. Despite this, the primary function of Egg-Spawn seems to be as an early warning system to alert the Cave of eminent danger or unintended visitors

 No Egg-Spawn will reveal their purpose if discovered and questioned, not even under torture. Some think that, despite how complicated their knowledge and personalities may seem to be, Egg-Spawn are likely not actually sapient, and possibly not even sentient. They may, in fact, just be robots made of flesh, operating only according to their psychic programming, and nothing else. 

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