Monday, March 20, 2017

Sex Mage Multiverse

For the most part, the Sex Mage World is intended to be a comparatively "mundane" reality. That is to say that the vast majority of stories are set on a contemporary Earth similar to our own, where the only supernatural element is the Sex Magic itself. Most of the stories hence are focused on magically enhanced versions of typical femdom scenarios involving "girl next door", "wicked sibling", "horny college students", "kinky wife", etc.

I, of course, am incapable of just leaving well enough alone, and have often let my worldbuilding fancies run wild. This has let to many ruminations on how Sex Magic would interact with society if the powers functioned differently, or what might happen if the Magic ended up on much more fantastical worlds out of science fiction and fantasy.

For now, given how many times I have rebooted and tinkered with the idea, I consider Sex Magic to be a Multiverse setting, in which all of these speculated realities are technically canon. However, until I actually do anything with these ideas, I'm not really concerned with taking them seriously as a project. If I ever do, I may give them their own section on the site, provided I make enough material to warrant it.

This is the Sex Mage World pocket-reality created by the Fae Lord Dellissa, as seen in this link. As the canon goes, this is the original Sex Mage reality; somehow or another, Sex Magic spread from this realm to various versions of Earth. The least complicated explanation is that occasionally, a human kidnapped by Dellissa manages to escape back to either their world, or another version of Earth, and unwittingly brings Sex Magic back with them. The nature of the Magic can become altered in transit due to conflicting laws of various realities tweaking its function.

This is the Primary Canon as seen in this link. The vast majority of Sex Mage stories take place here. This is a relatively "loose" canon, in that some stories may no longer count as valid, due my retconning of the timeline. By and large, though, this is the continuity that "counts": an otherwise mundane world where human society has been radically altered by the appearance of Sex Magic.

As seen in this link, this was another mundane Earth where society has been greatly altered by the Magic. In this case, though, the Magic functions very differently.

Referred to as "Eromancy", the Magic produces super powers in women, fueled by sex. However, in most women, with most men, the power is still quite weak. For example, she might gain slightly sped up healing, a minor boost of strength, the ability to float, or the ability to vaguely sense surface emotions. One round of sex will usually grant a woman such a power for about a single day, less if they make extensive use of the abilities. Each woman also tends to only gain a single, specific power.

As for the men, they do not gain powers of their own; they instead provide the energy that women use for their abilities. Upon climax during sex, a man unloads mystical energy into a woman’s body, charging her abilities. Most men can only charge a woman with a small amount of energy, resulting in the single-day charge and low-end powers.

But, of course, there are always exceptions. There are men who can dump copious amounts of energy into a woman in one shot, giving them a charge lasting for days. And there are women who gain much, much stronger powers, and even a variety of them at once, from their partners. Put the two together, and you’ve got a woman who can punch through buildings, flash freeze rivers, or regenerate lost limbs, and a man who can grant her such powers for days at a time.

The small handful of men who can produce such power are nicknamed “Founts” and are highly prized by women in society. The small handful of women who can obtain such strong abilities are nicknamed “Loches,” and are likewise prominent public figures, usually using their powers in heroic manners.

It would have been interesting to see where society went from this point. But unfortunately, Eromancy was not the only supernatural force that visited this alternate Earth. Five years after the sudden arrival of Eromany came the Terror Wave, a mysterious darkness that blanketed the world for three days. When it finally faded, the dead began to walk, attacking the living. Monsters made of raw elemental matter began to tear apart cities. Wild animals and plants mutated into hideous abominations that slaughtered anyone who tried to escape into the countryside and wilderness.

Attacked from literally all sides, humanity has been forced to gather in small, walled off countries, and struggle to survive until only about one billion people remained. For now, the people stand strong against the seemingly endless monsters, under the protection of the Fount-Loche Corps.

As seen in this Captioned Image, this world is a future where humanity has converted into cyborgs. Bodies radically altered by advanced machinery are still, it seems, driven by some sexual urges. One supposes humanity’s obsession with sex wouldn’t allow them to let it go even as they became half-machine. This has proven to be man’s undoing, as Sex Magic manifested in the form of various Sensual Domination Programs discovered floating around on the global data-net. Their origins are a mystery, but their effects are undeniable and irresistible. Women, of course, discover they are naturally able to control the programs, while men are as yet unable to resist them. Eventually, a powerful cyborg calling herself the True Mother uses an unparalleled mastery of the SDP code to sexually subjugate the leaders of the world, and assume control of global society.

A science fiction universe where humanity never stopped traveling further into space after landing on the moon. A continuous race to colonize the solar system and beyond drove humanity to great heights of technological power, culminating in the Graviton Rearranging Universal Displacement Engine, aka the G.R.U.D.E. Drive, which enabled reliable Faster Than Light travel. During one trip between Mars and Earth, a vessel unknowingly snagged one of the fragments of Dellissa’s World, and carried it to Earth.

Sex Magic now runs rampant on the home world, and a failed quarantine attempt did little to keep it from spreading. On the one hand, this has proven a boon, as Megami and some Archmages are able to fly through space and the healing powers of the magic help mitigate the damaging effects of prolonged space travel. The vast distances between worlds, however, mean that plenty of humans throughout the solar system still do not have the magic, and those that want to escape an abusive Sex Mage can manage to do so by traveling far beyond their normal boundaries.

A world closely resembling the high fantasy universes of Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons, World of Warcraft, the Elder Scrolls, etc. Here, in a land with multiple sapient races, largely medieval technology, and many alternate forms of magical power and supernatural phenomenon, Sex Magic becomes just another strange power the mortal races have to deal with. More than likely, local gods and sorcerers will take an interest in the power, and quickly find ways to bring it under control. While it does change the dynamic between men and women somewhat, the magic more than likely becomes something of a novelty to play around with or an extra resource in a pinch.

Of course, one can expect to find small nations of Amazonian societies, where women use Sex Magic to enslave and use men as power sources, rather than just kill or exile them.

Fantasy worlds like this are often in a state of war, either between neighboring kingdoms, or against inhuman invaders. The magic will doubtless be an edge (tee-hee) in battle in the early years, but such worlds also tend to have women warriors who are just as capable as men already. However, once everyone has the magic, counter-acting it becomes part of the standard war stratagem. Assuming, of course, the two sides can even effect one another.

The most interesting aspect might be seeing how the different races that can crossbreed might relate to one another now that Sex Magic enables a general psychic connection. Would elves, dwarves, humans, and orcs now finally be able to relate better? Could the magic enable chances for communication and peace-offerings where none existed before? Could the stigma against half-breeds often found in these worlds become mitigated as the races realize that attraction to one another is much more common than they all think? Or would the linking of minds just confirm the races more xenophobic assumptions of one other? It’s hard to tell.

Either way, I think moreso than most other worlds, your typical high-magic medieval fantasy realm would be considerably less changed than most other “genres.” Even the Megami and Archmages are likely just seen as not particularly more impressive than a high-level sorceress. Although seeing a few Megami battle a dragon in mid-air could be pretty fun.

One of the primary rules of Sex Magic is that it cannot cross species. Humans are only able to affect other humans. Theoretically, if they were to ever find another species they could crossbreed with (such as fantasy worlds where elves and dwarves can interbreed with humans), then that other compatible species could be affected. On the Sex Mage World Earth, however, humanity remains alone.

This rule was broken in the Beast World. In the mystical transition between dimensions, Sex Magic became capable of affecting all animal life, to devastating results.

Humans are animals, of course, but humans have achieved a level of sapience that sets them apart from their fellow creatures. While some species of animal demonstrate higher intelligence and some degree of conceptual abilities, humans are unique in their ability to think considerably beyond the instincts and primal drives that still rule even the most intelligent of other animals. In the case of sex, humans have turned the instinct to reproduce into a rather complicated game of play, power, social control, emotional resonance, and cultural paradigms.

In nature, sex is pretty simple. In most cases, animals only concern themselves with it during certain periods along a mating cycle. In most cases, males will attempt to court a female, who then chooses to mate with whatever male most impresses her, so as to create the most successful offspring. In some cases, males just force themselves on a female. While some species may complicate this ritual a bit, everything is pretty straightforward in the end.

So how does Sex Magic even work with wild animals? Pretty basically, it turns out. Females in heat give off an arousal aura, males are attracted and aroused and attempt to court her. If she doesn’t want it, she can subconsciously prevent him from trying. Otherwise, she can more easily tell who is worthy of her attentions. Unfortunately, animals have little control over the magic, and thus, when the first of several mating cycles occurred, the Magic was thrown off in uncontrollable waves over vast areas of the world, triggering a Cascade Event within mere months of the Magic’s arrival. Humanity was completely unprepared for it, and no higher powers were around to interfere.

The magic proved to be an extinction event for the human race and nearly all mammal species. Most other animal life survives, however, and have begun to adapt to mating cycle cascades. Interestingly, the Magic instinctively enables superior selectivity in mating, which means that in the long term, evolution has become accelerated. It may be that the Magic itself starts to force new adaptations. Perhaps in a million years, the planet will see the rise of newly sapient species, avian and reptilian and aquatic life rapidly evolved to take humanity’s place and build new societies and civilizations, with the Magic influencing their cultures from the beginning.

One supposes this would be inevitable, that in at least one world, the Magic ends up flipped around, so that men are empowered while women become the Lust Energy produces. The future of such a world is just as unpredictable as the original template.

Societies likely return to a world where women become housewives and servants to the men who protect and provide for them. Some societies freely use and abuse women as sex toys, while others rigidly follow systems of honor and chivalry. Some may continue to try and let women be more “free”, but I can easily see paranoia over keeping women safe and secure and possessed making this more limiting.

Women tend to lose their soft power over men in the sense that men can now read their minds, and know if a woman is being manipulative. However, men’s instincts to protect and provide for women, and their sex drives now relentlessly pumped up by the Magic, likely mean that plenty won’t mind if the women in their lives take charge in certain ways.

Rape and molestation will be just as, if not more, common as in the proper Sex Mage World to start with, but I see many, many more men interfering with one another in that regard, to the point of whole organizations rising up to act as local vigilantes against such criminals. Ironically, I see there being a lot less rape actually happening in this world, as men jump to the defense of women in distress, save in those societies that just allow and accept open and casual abuse. It’s possible some wars may even start over shutting down such societies, but it’s hard to tell just how far such a clash of ideologies would go.

I see there being a lot less suicides and mass destruction in this world, as ostensibly, this version of the SMW skews closer to the more traditional view of men holding positions of power in the world and women holding positions of power in the home. Men provide, women support. Cults may still form, but not have the sort of influence and power as they do in the original SMW.

Likewise, more rigorous scientific study of the magic occurs, though with similarly frustrating results. Cascade Events may or may not trigger more easily, but perhaps certain procedures will be more quickly developed to shut them down. Either way, men may more readily use Sex Magic to bolster other scientific pursuits, such as ocean and space exploration.

I do see the countries likely retaining their current borders, and women being shuffled out of positions of power, leading to a fully male controlled world, albeit still very influenced by women’s concerns.

In this reality, Sex Magic went even more out of control. Sex Magic in this universe empowers women with nearly every “extra” ability demonstrated by Archmages and Megami in the normal Sex Mage World. Aside from all the previous cock-control powers and absorption of Lust Energy, women can also teleport, telekinetically effect other objects and life forms, generate energy, grow and shrink themselves and others, casually transform themselves and others into living objects, turn non-living objects into humanoid servants, cast solid illusions, etc.

Moreover, they don’t always need something sexual to be happening to use those abilities in a given moment. They can store Lust Energy for later use, and their consumption of the energy to fuel their powers is much more efficient. A single male orgasm can keep a woman charged with power for several days. But of course, the more intense the orgasm, the bigger the charge, meaning men still don’t get to cum very often in this world. But when they do, you better believe the women make the most of it!

About the only thing these Sex Mages are weaker at is range; each woman only has a range of about a mile with strangers, and hundred miles with dedicated lovers, when it comes to exercising their control powers. Even then, this is more than enough for most women to regularly be charged with energy.

Society in this world converted to the Queendom system very, very quickly, and did not suffer as much from the collapse of certain industries and the global economy. The numerous practical powers granted by the magic has made many technological conveniences not quite as necessary, and while this took a heavy toll on many industries, it was much more survivable and tolerable by the now superhuman populace. For the most part, men are relegated to energy providers, pets, and playthings of the women of this world, arguably even moreso than in the standard Sex Mage World.

While there are many separate Queendoms, there is a bigger effort at global unity, as a Council of the worlds most powerful Sex Mages work to globalize society as much as possible. It is a slower process than they would like, but already, the whole of the world is now merged into twelve large Territories in which dozens of Queendoms act more as states in a greater nation. Each of these Territories is governed by one of the Council.

Imagine your typical Harem Anime. The kind where Bland Male Protagonists somehow become the love interest of whole harems of girls, and each of those girls has super powers for some reason? Where somehow, despite the proven existence of demons, giant robots, demihumans, magical ninjas, sorcerers, aliens, espers, youkai, kaiju, elemental monsters, etc, the world still ends up having regular old modern cities, technology, and culture? Where the rules of physics are more like suggestions to be ignored if it you want to do something really cool?

A reality where for some reason, teenagers with the power to split sky scrapers in half with a bokken and summon dragons from their cellphones still have to struggle going to a mundane High School? Where your average world-saving hero is barely past puberty, anyone over 25 is considered over the hill (even though no one actually looks old until they reach their 70s), and referencing sex is simultaneously the most shameful faux paus and the most hilarious joke of all time?

Picture that, only now picture it with Sex Magic! Welcome to Mahou Seibetsu Sekai, the Sex Mage World as seen through the lens of a genre-mash-up harem anime comedy. Sex Mage Girls must constantly struggle with the duality of wanting to remain chaste and protect their virginity from overly horny boys, while being constantly confronted with the temptations and pleasures and boosts of Sex Magic. Do they give in to their curiosity and raging desires? Do they attempt to remain pure? Do they try to win the heart of that boy they like through his cock, or do they try to do it purely through love? Do they try to use men during moments of desperation while battling against an arch-enemy? Can the magic be used in a safe and wholesome way for the overall benefit of society? Or will that shadowy, mysterious organization find a way to use Sex Magic to take over the world? And can they do all this while still managing to pass their High School College Entrance Exams?!

This is a world of superheroes as seen in most often American comic books. Like the anime-style world, this is a version of Earth that somehow manages to resemble our own world, despite the presence of aliens, mad science, sorcerers, monsters, ghosts, psychics, super soldiers, sentient robots, etc. The main difference is that most prominent super humans tend to dress up in flamboyant costumes, take on silly code names, and routinely put their personal lives on hold to go out to save the world from constant threats by extraterrestrial or supernatural invaders, the mad schemes of super villains, and sometimes, from misguided heroes.

This is a world where, while shades of gray exist, most people are generally Good or Evil. Good, thankfully, holds a vast majority, which is how the world manages to maintain it’s societal cohesion; even with the presence of Sex Magic, the average woman is much less likely to abuse men than in other worlds, simply because most people in this world are inherently good natured enough to police themselves. It also helps that means of limiting the magic manage to become commonplace.

In this world, Sex Magic becomes just another super power, albeit a rather unusual one. Unlike most other worlds, however, the magic can be easily contained and stopped using various comic book science and magic, leading to it becoming more of a resource for super villains and superheroes to use to either conquer or save the world.

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