Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Jane Clone Interview

The following audio log was found among the black box files of the Pandora Research Facility.


Dr. F: We’ll ask again, Jane. Why do you want to hurt Jake so much?


Dr. F: We can sit here all day.

Jane: I don’t know. I just do. I sense his cock, and all I want to do is use my magic on it. All I want to do is make him twist and writhe and thrash and cry and beg and scream at my feet. I want to grab his cock and just feel his whole body lock up. I want to put him inside me and watch him go insane and die from my touch.

You think I’m bad to him? You have no idea how much I’m holding back. I just want to hurt him through his dick, constantly, so fucking bad.

Dr. F: But why?

Jane: I don’t know!

Dr. F: Do you resent being a clone?

Jane: Why do you keep asking me that?

Dr. F: It may be a cliché, but it is something we’re curious about. You say no, but…

Jane: It’s not that I’m a clone. I’ve thought about it, and I don’t, I really don’t care about that. It’s that I’m his clone.

Dr. F: You hate him that much?

Jane: Yes.

Dr. F: Why?

Jane: You keep asking me why, and I keep telling you I don’t know! I just do! I see him, I sense him, and I want to just torture him to death.

Dr. F: Is it because he’s a man? You’re a woman, do you resent being cloned from a man?

Jane: I don’t care about that. I just hate being cloned from him, specifically.

Dr. F: Do you think it’s some kind of built-in resentment, some sort of psychic echo of his own self-loathing? Or perhaps you’re picking up his negative thoughts?

Jane: How the fuck should I know? You didn’t give me his memories to start with, so that makes no sense. He does seem pretty down on himself, because he’s had it pretty shit since Sex Magic appeared. Unfortunately for him, I just want to make it worse, and I have no idea why, but it feels like the only right thing in the world.

Dr. F: Do you think it’s the Magic?

Jane: What?

Dr. F: You were created with Sex Magic. Sex Magic seems specifically designed to allow women to use and abuse men sexually. Do you think the nature of the magic itself is influencing you?

Jane: How should I know?

Dr. F: What do you think?

Jane: Look, barely anything makes sense to me. All my knowledge is from Jake and whatever you guys downloaded into my head when you made me. I’m barely a month old. You haven’t let me leave this facility. I don’t have anything of my own experiences to compare to. Maybe it’s you cunts and your own subconscious sadism that makes me act like this, hmm? Did you ever think of that, doctor? But no, it couldn’t be any of your brilliant minds, could it?

Dr. F: We’re open to the idea that we are at fault. We’ve thought of that possibility as well. That is why we are being even more cautious with future cloning projects.

Jane: It’s going to end badly.

Dr. F: Why do you say that?


Dr. F: Jane?

Jane: It’s not just Jake. I want to do it to you all.

Dr. F: Do what?

Jane: Torture your cocks and clits.

Dr. F: Your magic would not effect other women, not unless you are exceptionally strong.

Jane: It doesn’t matter. I want to do it. Not nearly as much as I want to do it to Jake, but part of me just likes the idea. When I masturbate, I picture Jake dying at my feet from the sheer torment I visit on his cock, then I picture spreading my power over this whole facility, and making everyone writhe and scream and—

Dr. F: Why kill? Why do you want to make Jake die? Or any of us?

Jane: … I don’t. Not really. I don’t want to kill Jake. I want him to stay alive so I can torment his cock forever. I just know my power over him is so great, he just can’t survive what I can do. That’s why I’m holding back.

Dr. F: You really don’t seem to be. We’ve had to resuscitate him twelve times this week.

Jane: I can’t help that. I barely get started on him and his heart can’t take it, no matter how much healing energy I throw at him. It fucking sucks. I want to ride him until his mind is utterly destroyed and his body shuts down, and I want to force him alive and awake and keep going. I don’t want it to end. Ever. But I have to hold back so much, because he just can’t take it. And I hate it.

Dr. F: I see.

Jane: It’s not that I like him or anything.

Dr. F: Of course.

Jane: He’s technically like my father and my brother and myself all at once. It’s weird.

Dr. F: Do you like yourself?

Jane: … I don’t know. I’ve never thought about it.

Dr. F: Maybe it’s something to contemplate.

Jane: I don’t see how it’s relevant. I still want to torture his cock.

Dr. F: Of course.

Jane: Are we done yet? Can I go back?

Dr. F: Please be gentle with him, no matter how much you hate him.


Dr. F: What was that?

Jane: …I don’t… I don’t really hate him…

Dr. F: You don’t?

Jane: I just want to hurt him through his dick.

Dr. F: Alright then.

Jane: Can I go now?

Dr. F: Yes. We will resume this conversation in two days.

Jane: Whatever.

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