Monday, November 8, 2021


One of the more unusual manifestations of Sex Magic, the Dominali are quasi-sentient Tease Spells. In other words, they are self-aware phantoms composed of living Sex Magic. Unable to survive in the Material Universe in their raw elemental form, they must bond with a living host. Furthermore, in order to sustain themselves, they must periodically consume Lust Energy, an ethereal psychic power generated through sexual activity. Due to the femdom/malesub nature of Sex Magic, Dominali are naturally only able to take on human women as hosts, and find the Lust Energy of men many times more potent and nourishing than that of other women.
Dominali are a type of Fae, coming from the Fae Realm. Like all Fae, they are based on a conceptual existence, requiring them to act in a certain way, within a certain context, in order to sustain their being. However, whereas most Fae who enter the Material Universe take a new form and settle into a new paradigm upon arriving, Dominali have already been shaped, and instinctively seek out circumstances that sustain their present form.
The Dominali are effectively refugees from a pre-determined existence: they are Sex Magic Spells that have passed through the veil between the Fae Realm and the Earth, and in so doing, mutated to gain the quasi-sentience of standard Fae, without the inherent adaptability. In this way, they among the extremely rare Carriers that did not require a living human Mage to spread the power.
The Dominali arrived on Earth on October 27, 1987, initially appearing over the skies of the United States Mid-West. Upon entering this timeline of Earth, they were immediately in danger of dying without a Material Anchor to prevent them from dissolving. The best Anchor for most Fae are the minds of sapients, in this case humans. Given that they were already formed, the Dominali had to seek out humans that were already compatible with their existential theme. Thus, they were instinctively drawn to women who had dominatrix tendencies, or who at least tended to take the lead in the bedroom.
The first “generation” of Dominali somewhat mindlessly chose their hosts, and fused with them while they slept, binding themselves to the minds and souls of their hosts. All surviving Dominali are now Mortal-Elemental Fusion Entities.
In an unrelated timeline untouched by the Sex Mage Multiverse, the Dominali may instead be a race of psychic-energy aliens categorized as Spectral Energy Xenoforms (SEXs). For contrived techno-babble reasons, they are only able to bond with human women, and while they may feed on human psychic energy generally, sex turns out to be far and away the most potent and nutritious energy for them to use. Ergo, they bond with human women who have dominatrix tendencies and feed off Sex Energy.
In their natural state as Spectral Energy Xenoforms, Dominali are classified as Primitive Lust Elementals. They are, at most, quasi-sentient, meaning that they react instinctively to stimuli that resonates with their existential essence. They have no real sense of higher thought and no real capacity for memory, although they do experience something akin to emotion, as well as a sense of thirst or hunger.
As a pure Fae Realm entity, Dominali are completely dependent on Conceptual Energy of their type to survive. Conceptual Energy is generated by natural or social phenomenon, in a way that cannot be truly detected or understood by the beings of the Material World. Having sex does not literally create “Lust Energy” in the same way a chemical reaction can create light. “Lust Energy” does not really exist in the context of the Material World. However, to the entities of the Fae Realm, the phenomenon occurring creates an “essence” upon which they feed and secure their sense of self in order to continue existing. Ergo, a Dominali existing near a couple having femdom sex imbues them with life-sustaining energy.
When fused with a human woman, a Dominali integrates itself into her psyche. The host retains most of their own mind; they are technically still the same person, but the Dominali has some influence over her emotional state and libido. Since the spirit has essentially no mind of its own, there is no real possession, so much as the Dominali just hitches a ride in the host’s mind. If anything, the host’s own mind effectively possesses the Dominali; she retains full control over their own sense of self, and has near-total control over the powers the Dominali gives her.
The main difference is that she now possesses a hunger for sex that must occasionally be satiated. A woman can go a few weeks before truly needing to address this side of herself, but ideally, she will have sex at least twice or thrice a week to sustain her powers and feel properly “topped off”.
A human host retains nearly full control of her own mind. In most circumstances, she will essentially be no different than before the Fusion. However, the Lust Spirit aspect of herself will begin to have stronger influence when she is aroused or engaged in sex. During such times, especially when she is starving for Lust Energy, a host may become ravenous, almost bestial, in her sexual fervor, taking her partner and not stopping until her sexual desires are completely satiated, whether her partner can handle it or not. Ergo, another reason for Dominali to engage in at least weekly sex is to ensure she does not lose control of herself.
A Dominali host is able to enter a trance state so that the human mind can commune with the Lust Spirit in a sort of psychic emotional communication. This often happens in sleep, with the human and the Dominali being separate entities in most of their dreams. In this way, the women can come to an accord with their Lust Spirit, agreeing to the terms of their union. Because a Spirit will choose a host that already is quite compatible with them, most hosts will quickly agree to a friendly, or at least amicable relationship.
If the two find themselves to be truly incompatible, then the human is able to reject the Lust Spirit with a great effort; however, a forceful rejection is almost never necessary, as a Lust Spirit will not feel comfortable staying fused with a woman who despises them. If they are unable to get along, the Dominali will use one last sex act to charge herself, before leaving the host to find another.
A Dominali has no ambitions of its own other than to survive. It will therefore serve it’s host’s desires as long as the host feeds it. Considering that feeding involves the woman experiencing mind blowing sex on a weekly basis, and the Dominali will only possess women who already wish for such things, there is essentially no case for conflict there.
Dominali bear humans no ill will. On the contrary, they have an instinctive affection for humanity, as Sex Magic was designed with human compatibility in mind. While their sexual hunger does mean they may overstep mortal limits at times, they do not wish to actually hurt anybody, though they won’t stop their host from doing so.
Dominali ergo have no ambitions towards the disruption of human civilization. While unable to be truly forward thinking without their host, the Dominali are more likely to maintain the status quo of humanity, and keep themselves hidden as much as possible, as it is in their best interest to keep their host species stable for their own survival.
The first generation of Dominali were extremely few in number. Many did not find a host in time, leaving the original survivors in the single digits of population. For several years, they simply remained hidden, not even bothering to try and find each other until they felt secure in their hosts.
Eventually, however, a well-fed Dominali will reach a threshold during which the Lust Spirit becomes too rich with energy, becoming, for lack of a better term, “pregnant” with her power. Eventually, she will fission off this excess, which will coalesce into a new Dominali spirit; ironically, the Dominali use sex to power a form of asexual reproduction.
The new Dominali must very quickly find a host; two Spirits cannot occupy the same body without overwhelming the host, and the first Spirit cannot sustain their fission-daughter with bleed off energy for too long. A Dominali has about one week to find a new host before their life is dangerously threatened from the lack thereof.
Fortunately, a Dominali has ample time to warn their host, and the two can work to find a new woman to pass the spirit onto. A Dominali will know when they are approaching a fission usually months before it happens, and the average time for this event is about one fission every decade, with each fission only producing one new spirit, with the extremely rare exception of two (three is theoretically possible, but so far unheard of). Ergo, in the thirty-plus years since the Spirits arrived, they still number less than fifty.
After at least a year of being fused, a Dominali becomes permanently attached to their host, intrinsically tied to their mind and soul. The Lust Spirit dies when their host dies. Although a Dominali’s power can extend a hosts lifespan and sex drive for longer than average, even they will not be able to compensate for the toll of aging, as Fae spirits have their own form of age-related break down. It is possible even for a Dominali to fade away after several decades, leaving their host with only a tiny fraction of their power, and their lifespans then continuing as normal. Because of this, there is little risk of the Dominali subverting humanity, especially as they are not trying to do so.
On the Sex Mage Multiverse’s Scale of Impact, the Dominali are rated at Level One, for a miniscule impact on society. The reality they have entered lacks other forms of supernatural power. Like many Level One realities, the Curse of Temael appears to have not set in.
Dominali possess a host of Sex Mage like abilities, although their versions of it have some altered effects.
Dominali possess these abilities upon their creation, but cannot utilize them until they take a host.
Spirit Fusion – As detailed above, they can psychically fuse themselves with a human host.

Arousal Detection – Dominali can detect sexual arousal in others. While their senses are specially tuned towards men’s sex drives, enabling a greater range and accuracy of detection, they can also easily detect arousal from women who are nearby.
Arousal Influence – Dominali have their own variation of the Arousal Aura, able to emanate waves of psychic energy that stimulate the human libido. Men are very sensitive to these waves, though women can also be effected. A Dominali can broadcast an omni-directional sphere of influence, or can focus their arousing commands in a narrow beam to a specific target.
Erotic Empathy – While they cannot read minds as such, they can psychically intuit things about a person through their sexual responses. They can immediately recognize exactly what is turning a person on, can figure out the perfect ways to stimulate them through the five normal senses, and know how close they are to climax.
Touch-Based Nerve Control – When touching a person, they are able to directly stimulate their nerves for a variety of effects. Mostly, this can be used to induce tactile sensations and phantom stimulations, but also to paralyze a person’s body or cause them to move how they wish. They can cause these effects to linger long after they let go, or to cease upon breaking contact.
Pleasure and Pain Induction – Best done though touch, but can be inflicted at short range, this is the primary means of stimulation a Dominali performs. They simply channel their energies into a person’s nerves, touching off their pleasure and/or pain receptors. This can be channeled along with their Arousal Aura, but can also be induced through vocal vibrations (speaking a sultry tone that resonates with the brain’s pleasure centers), visual stimulation (entrancing eye contact, or stripping naked to stimulate arousal and pushing that arousal into pleasure), or even smell (producing a sort of pheromone or using other trigger scents and intensifying the reaction).
After some time with a host and practicing their abilities, the Dominali can perform other more fantastical abilities, albeit still at a fairly small scale. Using these powers will burn through their reserves of Sex Energy, thus requiring more frequent recharging if used often.
Telekinesis – Able to levitate small objects, usually no more than half or even just a third of what their host can physically carry. They can float an object dozens of feet away. Fine tune control may still be unsteady; using it to sew is pretty much out of the question for most, but juggling several tennis balls is easy enough.
Levitation – A Dominali may be able to turn their telekinesis inwards to enable flight, lifting their body even if it goes beyond their normal TK weight restriction. The flight is not especially fast, probably no better than a ten-speed bike, and thus not ideal for long distances, but good enough for reaching heights quickly or slowing falls or performing incredible leaps.
Regeneration/Recovery – Mind-over-body control enables far more rapid recovery over injuries and resistance to poison and disease. A broken bone will still take a couple days to recover fully, and it won’t stop all illnesses or severe conditions, but will allow much faster recovery. This mostly applies to their own body, but with further practice, they can push the effect onto others to enhance their own recovery. This power is technically already in subconscious effect while a Dominali is engaged in sex, using it to keep both their host and their partners bodies toughened up to withstand the sheer intensity of the sexual encounter.
Light/Sound Effects – Bending light around the body for near invisibility, and dampening sound to muffle one’s noises, enabling near-perfect stealth. Conversely, can create flashes of light or blasts of noise.
Heat/Electricity/Cold – Telekinetically generate or stifle heat, sufficient to light something on fire or rapidly chill it with a touch. Telekinetically charge things to electrify them with a touch. These are not particularly precise effects, however, and at such small scales are rarely dangerous, even if it can cause serious injury under certain circumstances.
Enhanced Strength – Focusing mind-over-body and telekinesis together can allow for a form of Tactile Telekinesis that mimics super strength, enabling the host to lift three to even five times what they normally could, though this will still strain their muscles as much as their psychic force.
Power Intensity – A Dominali tends to be inherently overwhelming in their use of power. It takes a lot of practice to achieve fine-tuned control with their psychic energies. Early into their manifestation, and especially when highly aroused or in the throws of passionate sex, a Dominali tends to unleash her power in brain-melting surges and rapid pulses of energy.
The response in the human nervous system is a truly surreal whiplashing of pain and pleasure effects. A man may simultaneously feel the combined pleasure of ten blowjobs, at the same time it feels like his penis is being sawed into with a hot knife, yet both senses of stimulation drive him to an orgasm that feels absolutely heavenly even as it feels like his testicles are being crushed into jelly with every convulsion. This is the result of pleasure induction so intense that the mortal mind cannot process it, and thus translates the stimulation in a wide variety of erotic sensations both painful and pleasurable in a desperate attempt to process the information.
A Dominali must take care to prepare their partner mentally for the experience, to find partners that can handle such intense psychic overcharging, and to nurse them with sufficient aftercare after a sexual encounter. If she ravages a man and leaves him to his own devices, he can suffer for weeks with erratic nerve pain and pleasure, having him suffer spontaneous orgasms and random surges of genital pain for weeks afterwards. She may have to manually soothe his nervous system to still the erratic synapses once she herself is satiated enough to retain fine control of her power again.
This effect is one reason Dominali treasure their lovers, as it takes a lot of trust and dedication to be the partner of these Lust Spirits. Even after years of practice, a Dominali may still lose control of her power during her throws of passion, even if she normally has great self-control otherwise.
Physically Unbound – Their powers will pass through all mundane physical and energy barriers, including going right through walls to reach another person.
Energy Glow – Not exactly a power, per say, but one of the signature tells of a Dominali is that their hosts eyes will glow while they are using their powers, or even just when aroused. A glow of similar color projecting from other parts of their body can sometimes appear as well, though this is usually done on purpose for effect, or subconsciously during the height of sexual passion.
The color of the eye glow is seemingly random per woman, but Spirits descended from other Spirits will often have variant hues of their progenitor’s color. A blue-eyed Dominali may have a turquoise, sky-blue, or lavender-eyed daughter. This can drift fairly quickly over generations, however, with blue shifting fully to red or yellow or green within just three generations, so lineage quickly becomes lost to time.

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