Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Intimacy Bond

Sex Magic in this reality is highly limited compared to most other versions, as it only gives a woman direct influence over those men with whom she is physically sexually active, and the side-benefits of the magic are considerably less potent. This thus results in a far less severe shifting in the power dynamic in society. It still strains the relationships between men and women, however, and puts a serious damper on casual sex; no man in his right mind is going to have sex unless he can be absolutely sure he trusts the woman he’s about to put his dick into.

Women in this setting cannot simply affect any man they want. A woman’s Sex Magic can only influence those men with whom they are sexually involved. This influence likewise requires cultivation and development in stages over time, with increasing levels of sexual exposure leading to stronger influence.

At the most basic level, a woman has an innate sense of when men nearby are aroused, if they are hard, if they are masturbating or having sex, and a vague sense of what might be arousing that man in the immediate moment, if she bothers to concentrate on him. This is easier to detect if she is the one turning him on.

This awareness comes to her as a sort of intuition, rather than any sort of sensation, and thus can be easily tuned out or ignored. A man has to be nearby for a woman to sense these things, and usually has to be in the same room. Unless she’s trying to keep track of a guy, or he’s engaged in sexual activity, a woman probably won’t sense him even if he’s right on the other side of a wall. (This evidently has more to do with a perception of separation, rather than a physical barrier actually blocking the signals.)

At this level, a woman has no magical influence at all over a man.

At the next level, a woman is able to exert some subtle influence over a man, but only in limited ways. She can’t force him to be erect, but if he already starting to feel arousal, she can mentally “encourage” his erection, making it easier for him to get hard, or harder to go soft. She can also slightly increase his touch sensitivity, psychically coax his orgasm to come sooner than expected, or delay it slightly.

She can get glimpses of his sexual thoughts if she tries to see them, which are much clearer if the thoughts are of her. She can also detect him at a greater range; if a man is in the same building as the woman or in the house next door, she should be able to detect if he is very aroused, masturbating, or having sex.

This stage is usually achieved through one of two ways: 1) Usually, this is triggered when a man has begun to masturbate to thoughts of the woman in question. 2) A woman has engaged in light intimate acts with a man, such as kissing, cuddling, massages, even extended hand-holding can start this effect. However, this influence can fade away quickly, and thus this level of intimacy is still considered “safe” for men to pursue.

At this level, a woman gains clear view of a man’s full sexual thoughts of the moment, and knows when he’s thinking about her, touching himself, or having sex from several miles away. She has the ability to innately know exactly how to stimulate a man to get the effect she wants; within just a few minutes of achieving this level, a woman knows a man’s penis better than he does.

Her magical influence over him becomes stronger. She can now force him to become and stay erect without arousal, or keep him soft despite arousal. She can suppress his orgasm fully as long as she maintains concentration on doing so, or can make him cum on command. She can adjust his sensitivity to a greater degree, making his cock nearly numb or making him a hair trigger. With a mental effort, she can make him feel basic phantom sensations (usually echoes of what she has already physically done to him).

This level is usually achieved once a woman gets direct skin contact with a man’s penis, but prior to penetration. A single, quick handjob or footjob will usually do it. This level of influence can fade over several days if contact is brief. However, once he orgasms from her touch, he becomes “attuned” to her.

Once attuned, a woman’s influence lasts far longer, weeks to a month from the last point of contact, before it begins to weaken, and can take a couple months at least before fading completely. It is also much easier to maintain the connection; a man masturbating to thoughts of her can keep a woman’s influence strong for extended periods even if she doesn’t touch him again after the connection is made.

At this stage, a woman’s influence can interfere with the influence of other woman whose connection to the man is weaker. She can’t fully stop a Stage Two woman from magically coaxing a man’s erection, but she can make it much more difficult. Likewise, she can partly shield her man’s thoughts and sexual actions of other women. However, this interference takes a bit of active concentration on her part.

Stage Four enables a woman full access to a man’s sexual memories, fantasies, and thoughts, as well as being able to sense his general surface thoughts if she tries to look; this is easier the more aroused he is. She can also start sending her own thoughts into his mind for simple telepathic communication, conveying her own surface thoughts or impressions; this is easier to do with sexual notions and during sexual actions.

Influence over the man’s penis now allows for lasting effects. She can now put conditions on his penis and testicles that last long-term on their own, without her needing to focus on them. This includes being able to block his orgasms for extended periods, keeping him erect or soft indefinitely, permanently altering his sensitivity level, inducing full phantom sensations of whatever she thinks of. She can even make it so he cannot masturbate (or at least, attempts at masturbation are ineffectual, such as not being able to feel his cock when he touches it, or it going and staying flaccid when he tries to touch it).

Phantom sensations become stronger, more complex, and can be self-sustaining in the short term. She can start mixing two or three sensations at once, such as making him feel a footjob and a blowjob at the same time. Phantom sensations do require some mental focus to keep going long term, but she can leave the effect going for several minutes to an hour before needing to refresh it.

Stage Four is achieved through penetration of any sort. Vaginal, oral, or anal, the moment a man’s penis enters a woman’s body, he is automatically attuned to her, and the attunement will last a few months even if penetration is brief. If he orgasms while inside her, he becomes effectively “locked” to her. Her influence over him can last a year before even starting to fade.

At this stage, the woman’s influence overrides the influence of any other woman of lesser intimacy. She can turn off or shield the man from other women’s magic completely, as long as his connection to them is weaker. This shielding effect does require upkeep, but does not require constant concentration. A typical Stage Four shield can usually last a week without the woman needing to focus on it. A Stage Four shield isn’t completely proof against a dedicated Stage Three connection, but it’s still more effective against a Three, than a Three’s interference is against a Two.

At this point, she is intuitively aware of his location relative to her at all times. She instantly knows when he is even slightly aroused, hard, touching himself, etc., from dozens of miles away. She knows what state his body is in, such as if he’s asleep, injured, exerting himself, etc. She also has full access to his mind, able to read any of his thoughts if she wants.

She can send her own thoughts to him as well, with little effort. She can put him to sleep and influence his dreams, or put him in an entranced state at will. Her control over his sensitivity and the sensations she can make him feel reach superhuman levels of precision and intensity. She can inflict permanent conditions upon him. Her control over his genitals becomes so fine tuned and intuitive, she can sometimes end up influencing his cock without consciously realizing it, especially if she is aroused herself.

Phantom sensations can now last indefinitely one with casting, going until she wills it to stop, or fading after a pre-determined amount of time. She can make him feel several sensations at once, more with enough practice. Moreover, these sensations can now extend to any part of the body.

Her control over his genitals is now nearly telekinetic. She can move his cock around as though it were her own limb. Moreover, she has some minor influence over the man’s body as well. When engaged in sex, she may send subconscious impulses into his mind that give him the intuition to please her exactly how she likes at the given moment. He isn’t forced to obey these impulses, but if he goes along with them, he will find he can please his lover with a skill he didn’t know was possible.

A woman will reach this level of power if she regularly has penetrative sex with a man over the course of several months. At this point, the man is bonded to her almost completely; it may take a decade or more for the attunement to start fading, even without any contact during that time. So far, even if the attunement is weakened, it doesn’t seem to permanently go away.

Stage Five shields are automatic and effectively permanent for the duration of attunement without the need for upkeep, weakening only when the bond itself begins to. A Stage Five sheild will block out everything from another women of lesser intimacy. Stage Five shields can even block out Stage Four influence quite reliably, with only Fours transitioning into Fives already being able to breach them to any degree.

The above Stages and their trigger points are a general guide to how Sex Magic is built up between a woman and her male lover.

There is some nebulous leeway between the Stages, depending on the order of approach and the dynamics between the man and woman. A woman might be able to skip straight to a higher level of power over a man she’s never met by just giving a stranger a quick blowjob. However, her influence will be weaker than a woman to whom he is actually attracted or been in a relationship with, and her influence will fade faster.

Likewise, a woman’s level of power may advance to a higher stage even without performing the requisite action. A woman may gain Stage Three level control over a man she’s never touched if the man is infatuated with her and continues to masturbate to thoughts of her every day for several months.

The side effects of the Intimacy Bond are very minor compared to normal Sex Magic. As is standard to the Magic, the power enables a man to stay erect indefinitely without injury and gives women a natural power of birth control. It also cures any sex-related complications for both men and women. A couple that regularly engages in sex will find they are overall a bit healthier, as the magic provides subtle boosts to their physical well-being, but not nearly to any supernatural degree.

The power of the Intimacy Bond starts to take effect when a girl reaches eighteen years of age. It doesn’t ever fade, even if a woman takes on multiple lovers or hasn’t had sex in many years.

Women are immune to being detected by other women. However, when two women have sex, they can form a similar link, in which they can enjoy sensing each others thoughts and influencing one another’s vaginas. Women are capable to neutralizing a bond, however, blocking another women’s influence at will.

A man who simply isn’t attracted to a woman, or whose negative feelings towards her (be it fear, hate, sorrow, etc.) outweighs his sexual attraction, is going to be much harder for her to attune to. Even if she forces herself upon him, even forces him to cum insider her, her influence won’t be as strong, and won’t last as long. She can try to force a Stage Four link by sucking his cock until he ejaculates, but at best, she may only manage a weaker Stage Three level of power, and the link will fade within the week.

Gay men are, generally, much more resistant to being influenced by the Intimacy Bond, due to the lack of sexual attraction making “attunement” all but impossible. Even if a woman forces herself on a gay man, her influence over him will be very weak, and will fade much more quickly; even if she sucks his cock to orgasm to force a Stage Four link, she will not have any more influence than Stage Two level power, and the link will fade within a couple days.

Intersex persons are unable to gain the power of the Intimacy Bond. However, while they can be influenced by it if they want to be, they are able to sever the attunement link to a woman at will, rendering them effectively immune to it.

A woman can end up weakening her attunement to a man, even one she has been having sex with for years, if a man’s negative emotions outweigh his overall lust for her. Even if their relationship started out strong, if she becomes abusive to the point he loses his love and lust for her, if other factors cause him to become obsessed with someone or something else and he likewise loses his connection, then the Bond will start to decay. Generally speaking, Stage Four and Five level bonds are still very hard to weaken this way once actually set in place, but it’s not impossible to escape them much earlier if a woman makes herself too repulsive to the man, or he becomes too detached for other reasons.

This reality lacks the catastrophic changes seen in the Sex Mage World. For the most part, life continues mostly as we would recognize it.

The big difference is a significant drop in casual sex and “hook up culture.” Men think thrice before attempting to get intimate with any woman; it is drilled into most men’s heads that one should really make sure they trust the woman they want as a partner before even kissing them.

Male-on-female rape drops to nearly zero. Female-on-male rape doesn’t end up increasing much, on account of the Intimacy Bond not encouraging such actions, but female-on-male sexual abuse spikes in the early years as some women take advantage of the power, before attunement can be severed. Laws are quickly put in place to account for magically-influenced criminal actions, either women abusing their powers directly, or using them to force men to commit crimes.

Once the initial chaos settles down, relationships between men and women become somewhat more traditional. Marriage is more valued than before, as the importance of trust and commitment are a larger factor in determining one’s intimate partners; as aforementioned, people generally stop casually hooking up for a quick sex fix or fling, when the Intimacy Bond can complicate the aftermath. The divorce rate drops, as the psychic link of the Intimacy Bond means couples develop a better understanding of one another, and become more willing to work things out.

Probably the biggest difference in the dating scene is that women are now more likely to ask out men whom they know are attracted to them, as they can get a better sense of him once the early Stages of the Bond take effect. Some men tend to feel more at ease with asking women out, generally; it’s pretty hard to be coy about your attraction when she can just know immediately if you’ve been masturbating to thoughts of her.

Then again, some men and women become paranoid thanks to the Bond, and there are even movements in some parts of the world to allow for single-gender settlements. These are eventually allowed, but a smaller number of inhabitants live there than you’d think.

By and large, the world manages to keep going just fine. Sex gets better, relationships get stronger, and life moves on, especially compared to some worlds in the Sex Mage Multiverse.


NOTES: While we're on the subject of unused settings, here's another one I wrote up a while ago, but likewise never did much with. The idea here was hammering down a version of the Sex Mage World where the Magic still had all the femdom fetish appeal I liked, but wasn't this overwhelming, unstoppable force that men had no way to counter, and likewise wasn't likely to cause some society-wrecking upheaval across the globe. Sure, it probably caused a level of civil unrest initially, but once the limitations were worked out, the end result was mostly just a mystical link that made sure men and women were more honest and forthright with their relationships to one another.

Of all the Sex Mage World variants, this is probably the one most similar to our world, and probably the one you'd be "safest" in if, through some wacky moment of anime physics, you spontaneously got sent there. I think for those who have always found the canon Sex Mage World disturbing, and wished the power wasn't so overwhelming or so easy to abuse, this version would be more their speed. Actual influence requires consensual cultivation of the Bond, women aren't given a whole plethora of super powers along with the Magic, and there isn't the whole Lust Energy thing to constantly encourage casual abuse.

A pity this take on the Magic doesn't usually hold my interests. I've had a couple ideas for shorts set here, but mostly, I still like the canon Sex Mage World as it is. So, who knows, maybe eventually, I'll put something out there, but of my various settings, this one is definitely way low on the priority list.

1 comment:

  1. It would be interesting how the psycho dommies adapt. With a bit of speculation one could trap men through a multitude of means. Psychodommies that aren't possessive or monogamous would probably just work in groups acting like a pack of wolves ready to catch helpless rabbits. Using tricks like pretending to be monogamous to trap a man. after getting that one fate sealing orgasm, she could make the man orgasm into the other women. After which they have total control, it's almost impossible for one to hate everyone in a single group if even one acts nice. Think of it like a bad cop, sorta less bad cop routine. Meanwhile psychodommies who are monogamous or possessive would probably use extreme measures. After that one orgasm she could keep feeding thoughts into her victims head or encourage orgasm after orgasm to prolong the bond despite the victims wishes. Orgasm denial would still be effective because it enforces lust, a psychodommie could theoretically use it to ensnare a man that was already infatuated. It would probably start out small as her power would be weak but the smallest of denials even if momentarily could cause a man to cave into more lust fueling the bond, increasing her power over him.
